Degree programme objectives

The international security environment of the 21st century contains truly formidable challenges that are both opportunities for innovation and progress and risks and threats that are highly complex in nature. The situation in the international security environment in recent decades has been very turbulent and dynamic, many threats and risks are new in nature, mixing political, religious, ethnic, cultural, environmental and socio-economic issues, and to address them, there is a need to train true professionals who will be able to navigate both the classic military-type security threats and the new challenges reflected in the broader concept of security. The analysis and resolution of armed conflicts, political violence, terrorism, organised crime, proliferation of weapons, knowledge of international law, basic political geography or geopolitical laws are the essential equipment of any expert in international security issues. While the appropriate theoretical and methodological background is also an integral part of our academic curriculum, the study programme also emphasises appropriate empirical knowledge and a deep understanding of international security events. The aim is to produce professionals who will be able to enter the labour market in positions where knowledge of international security is a necessity or at least an advantage. The ambition is also to prepare graduates for possible further graduate studies in related fields.

Study plans


  • Objectives

    The international security environment of the 21st century contains truly formidable challenges that are both opportunities for innovation and progress and risks and threats that are highly complex in nature. The situation in the international security environment in recent decades has been very turbulent and dynamic, many threats and risks are new in nature, mixing political, religious, ethnic, cultural, environmental and socio-economic issues, and to address them, there is a need to train true professionals who will be able to navigate both the classic military-type security threats and the new challenges reflected in the broader concept of security. The analysis and resolution of armed conflicts, political violence, terrorism, organised crime, proliferation of weapons, knowledge of international law, basic political geography or geopolitical laws are the essential equipment of any expert in international security issues. While the appropriate theoretical and methodological background is also an integral part of our academic curriculum, the study programme also emphasises appropriate empirical knowledge and a deep understanding of international security events. The aim is to produce professionals who will be able to enter the labour market in positions where knowledge of international security is a necessity or at least an advantage. The ambition is also to prepare graduates for possible further graduate studies in related fields.

  • Learning Outcomes

    After successfully completing his/her studies the graduate is able to:

    • Have a broad knowledge of international and global security and its current trends.
    • Understand basic and applied security disciplines in an international context.
    • Understand the possibilities, conditions and limitations of the use of political science, security-strategy and international law theories in practice.
    • Have a broad knowledge of risk prevention and conflict resolution in an international environment.
    • Know the basics of research methodology in the social sciences and the theory of data collection and processing.
    • Evaluate risks and apply relevant safety tools, procedures and methods in a specific situation or project.
    • Assess the effectiveness of security solutions and procedures in a given situation and legal framework.
    • Compare possible policy approaches and practices from an international security perspective.
    • Analyse relevant security threats and risks in the international environment and context.
    • Apply the principles of research in a selected area of social sciences and carry out a research project using relevant methodology.

  • Occupational Profiles of Graduates

    1) Service and working positions with a qualifying degree of bachelor's education in the armed forces and security forces (civilian counterintelligence, civilian intelligence, the Army of the Czech Republic, the Police of the Czech Republic, the Customs Administration), operational, analytical and especially auxiliary analytical positions.

    2) Employees of international (inter)governmental and non-governmental organisations (e.g. UN, NATO, EU, OSCE, IOM, Human Rights Watch, Oxfam, etc.).

    3) Employees of humanitarian, development or charity agencies (Doctors Without Borders, International Committee of the Red Cross, Save the Children, People in Need, Czech Catholic Charity, Adra, etc.).

    4) Journalists focusing on foreign policy and security issues - war reporters, investigative journalists, columnists.

    5) Clerks, specialist officers, senior officers, advisors, mainly in the ministries of power (MFA, MoI, MoD), but also in other relevant service offices with a foreign-security agenda (MoI, MoD, MIT, CU).

    6) Employees of private companies with a strong foreign agenda, doing business in risky areas (Middle East, Balkans, Caucasus, Central Asia, Sub-Saharan Africa, Central America, countries with non-democratic regimes, etc.), or doing business in the security sector (arms companies, private security or military companies), or mining and energy companies.

  • Rules and Conditions for the Creation of a Study Plan

    The study program is designed in accordance with Act No. 111/1998 Coll., on universities and on the amendment and addition of other laws (the Act on Universities), as amended, and the methodology of the National Accreditation Office for Higher Education (hereinafter "NAÚ") for creating study programs. This is a study program without specialization, which is included in the field of political science education. The essence of the study program consists of the subjects of the profiling basis of the study program (International relations and international organizations, Global security threats, Armed conflicts and their solutions and Violent non-state actors in international politics) and the basic theoretical subjects of the profiling basis of the study program (Introduction to security studies and Fundamentals of political science) . The content of these subjects is reflected in the content of parts of the state final exam. Other compulsory subjects of the study program develop specific requirements for students' knowledge and competences in accordance with the study objectives and the profile of the graduate. Compulsory subjects also include a set of subjects that are oriented towards methodological procedures applied in independent scientific and professional work and the processing of professional texts. In the first year, it is the subject Basics of professional work, which is focused on working with sources, forms of text processing and citation, possibilities of critical processing of literary research related to the solved problem. This subject is followed in the fourth semester by the subject Methodology of professional work, where students learn to formulate research questions in relation to the set goals of the work, the choice of appropriate methodological approaches (procedures) to process research tasks and ways of recording their own solution to a research task. The Bachelor's Seminar and Bachelor's Thesis courses, in which students work under the guidance of their assigned thesis supervisors, are focused on applying an individual approach to students, in the form of consultations on the topic being addressed. The condition for granting credit is regular consultation with the thesis supervisor during the processing of the bachelor's thesis and its continuous preparation. This procedure enables theses supervisors to direct and control at key points the student's progress while working on the final thesis and to monitor the process of its creation from its inception with an emphasis on professional quality and academic integrity.

    Elective subjects are chosen by students from other subjects outside the standard study plan taught at AMBIS University, a.s. At any time, the student can consult the study advisor, the guarantor of the study program, or the supervisor of the bachelor's thesis about the choice of these subjects, so that the chosen subjects fit as well as possible into his study portfolio or expected professional profile and enable him to penetrate more deeply into the area in which processes his bachelor's thesis, possibly in areas that place the topic of the bachelor's thesis in a wider context.

  • Access to Further Studies

    The Bachelor's degree programme in International Security Studies can be followed up by the study of the follow-up Master's degree programme in Security Management, accredited at AMBIS Vysoká škola, a.s.

Basic information

Bachelor's degree programme
Length of studies
3 years
Language of instruction
Czech Czech

AMBIS University
Programme guaranteed by
Programme guarantor