Degree programme objectives

The aim of the study program Economics and Business Management is to equip graduates with systemic knowledge and practical skills for fulfilling tasks in the field of economics and management, at all levels of management in production and non-production, professional consulting organizations, government, banking and insurance.

In addition to professional knowledge, the study program also emphasizes the practical skills of students with regard to their potential application. From this point of view, the goals of the study program include the preparation of experts capable of immediate entry into practice in positions requiring education in the field of organization management, in the for-profit and non-profit sector, especially in economic-managerial positions and executive positions with economic profile. The emphasis on the practical application of graduates permeates the entire study, both in theoretical subjects, where, in addition to high expertise, emphasis is placed on combining theoretical knowledge with real situations from practice, and especially in the practical part of teaching. Most subjects of the study program include both lectures and exercises, where students have the opportunity to immediately apply the acquired knowledge to practical problems. The practical exercises are led by practitioners, able to reflect the real needs and challenges that future graduates may encounter in their future employment. The study program is designed as a professional in accordance with the requirements of Act No. 111/1998 Coll., On Higher Education Institutions, as amended., For this reason, emphasis is placed on practical internships that students complete in contractually secured partner organizations. The organization and content of professional practice is always in accordance with the relevant study program and its professional focus. The internship plan is always compiled and checked by the guarantor of the study program together with experts from the internship, which guarantees its connection to the goals of the study program and the profile

graduate, as well as the current needs of practice.

Study plans


  • Objectives

    The aim of the study program Economics and Business Management is to equip graduates with systemic knowledge and practical skills for fulfilling tasks in the field of economics and management, at all levels of management in production and non-production, professional consulting organizations, government, banking and insurance.

    In addition to professional knowledge, the study program also emphasizes the practical skills of students with regard to their potential application. From this point of view, the goals of the study program include the preparation of experts capable of immediate entry into practice in positions requiring education in the field of organization management, in the for-profit and non-profit sector, especially in economic-managerial positions and executive positions with economic profile. The emphasis on the practical application of graduates permeates the entire study, both in theoretical subjects, where, in addition to high expertise, emphasis is placed on combining theoretical knowledge with real situations from practice, and especially in the practical part of teaching. Most subjects of the study program include both lectures and exercises, where students have the opportunity to immediately apply the acquired knowledge to practical problems. The practical exercises are led by practitioners, able to reflect the real needs and challenges that future graduates may encounter in their future employment. The study program is designed as a professional in accordance with the requirements of Act No. 111/1998 Coll., On Higher Education Institutions, as amended., For this reason, emphasis is placed on practical internships that students complete in contractually secured partner organizations. The organization and content of professional practice is always in accordance with the relevant study program and its professional focus. The internship plan is always compiled and checked by the guarantor of the study program together with experts from the internship, which guarantees its connection to the goals of the study program and the profile

    graduate, as well as the current needs of practice.

  • Learning Outcomes

    After successfully completing his/her studies the graduate is able to:

    • Have a broad and deep theoretical knowledge of concepts and methods in the field of economics and management in the Czech and international geopolitical environment with reference to the legislative framework of legal entities.
    • Have a broad and deep theoretical knowledge of concepts and methods in the field of economics and management in the Czech and international geopolitical environment with reference to the legislative framework of legal entities.
    • To understand management approaches and methods of managing people, more complex projects and organizations and to understand them in a broader context, to know the current modern trends in the field of management, the reasons for their emergence and
    • Understand advanced analysis of economic and regional data processing and the use of mathematical and statistical analysis for economic purposes.
    • Know advanced concepts of research methodology and theories of quantitative and qualitative data collection and processing.
    • Effectively apply modern management approaches and techniques to solve practical problems and challenges in the enterprise.
    • Locate, sort and interpret complex economic information relevant to solving specific economic problems.
    • Identify the information needed to assess the impact of individual performance and activities of individual departments on the overall results of the company, use this information for effective management of internal departments.
    • Using expert knowledge, independently evaluate the effectiveness of a project, system or process of a given enterprise and propose innovative improvements.
    • Apply modern management approaches and techniques in solving practical problems in the company.
    • Apply advanced research methods in a selected area of economics and management and implement a research project using relevant methodology.

  • Occupational Profiles of Graduates

    The graduate can work in executive, middle and senior management positions in organizations, manufacturing companies and non-profit organizations. In Czech and multinational companies, it can be used primarily in the positions of economists, analysts, administration, project managers, middle and senior management, etc.

    Specifically, according to the National System of Occupations, graduates will be able to apply in the following positions:

    Economics, administration, human resources First line manager (101743)

    according to the Classification of Occupations (CZ ISCO) of the Czech Statistical Office, these are mainly the following professions: 12196 Managers in the field of internal affairs of the state and regional development

    12199 Business executives, administrative and support service activities nec

    24222 Specialists, analysts, methodologists in the field of company policy and public administration

    24223 Strategy specialists;

    24229 Other organization policy specialists

    24228 Specialists in the field of internal affairs of the state and regional development

    102144 Specialist in evaluation and remuneration of employees

    12121 Deputy Personnel Directors (Directors)

    12122 Personnel managers

    12123 Employment managers

    12129 Other human resources managers

    12130 Organizational strategy and policy managers

  • Rules and Conditions for the Creation of a Study Plan

    The study program is designed in accordance with the methodology of the National Accreditation Office for the creation of study programs. It is a study program without specialization, its essence consists of subjects profiling the basis of the study program (Business Law II, Managerial Accounting, Human Resources Management U) and basic theoretical subjects profiling the basis of the study program (Microeconomics II, Management II, Macroeconomics II). The content of these subjects is reflected in the content of state final exams. Other compulsory subjects of the study program develop specific requirements for students' knowledge and competencies in accordance with the study goals and the graduate's profile.

    Compulsory subjects also include a set of subjects that are focused on methodological procedures applied in independent scientific and professional work in the field of economics and management. In the first year, it is the subject of the Diploma Seminar, which is focused on the possibilities of critical processing of literary research related to the problem, the choice of appropriate methodological approaches (procedures) and methods of self-solution. The result of the course is the presentation of the proposed concept of the thesis. This course is followed in the fourth semester by the course Diploma Thesis focused on the application of an individual approach to students, in the form of consultations on the topic in conjunction with professional practice. The condition for granting the credit is regular consultations during the elaboration of the diploma thesis and its systematic preparation culminating in the submission of the diploma thesis. This procedure enables the supervisor of diploma theses to guide and control the student's progress in working on the diploma thesis and to monitor the process of its creation during its creation with an emphasis on professional quality and academic integrity.

    Compulsory courses also include the courses Professional Practice I, Professional Practice II and Professional Practice III, within which students have the opportunity to consolidate the acquired knowledge and skills and practice directly at the workplace.

    In total for compulsory (including PZ and ZT) and compulsory elective courses, students must obtain 105 credits (87.5% of all credits). The remaining 15 credits are reserved for elective courses. From the 2nd semester you

    students choose one elective course per semester, which is always evaluated 5 credits. In total, students choose 3 elective courses for their studies, in the second, third and fourth semesters. Students choose optional subjects from other subjects outside their compulsory study plan, taught at the University of Regional Development and the Banking Institute - AMBIS, as. At the same time, the student can consult the study advisor, the guarantor of the study program or the supervisor of the diploma thesis about the choice of these subjects so that the selected subjects fit thematically into his / her study portfolio and allow him to penetrate deeper into the area preparing a diploma thesis.

    The ECTS credit system is used for credit evaluation (Rector's Directive No. 5/2019 - Procedure for expressing credit

    evaluation of the study load of subjects in hourly intensity).

  • Practical Training

    The internship is performed at various employers with regard to the focus and topic of the thesis. Compulsory professional practice is an integral part of the prepared master's professional study program Economics and Business Management. Courses entitled Professional Practice I, Professional Practice II and Professional Practice III are included in the study plan as compulsory courses in the second, third and fourth semesters with a credit score of 4 credits. In total, the student can receive 12 credits for internships, performed in a total of 12 working weeks.

    Compulsory internship plans are created in cooperation with students by the study department of the University of Regional Development and the Banking Institute - AMBIS, as. The final form of internship plans is subject to the approval of the guarantor of the study program, which takes into account the professional content of the internship and its compliance with the study goals in the study program and the profile of the graduate. An authorized representative - a mentor - is always provided with the contractual partners, who, in cooperation with the program guarantor, supervises and assists the students in the implementation of professional practice. A written contract is concluded with the workplace where the internship is performed. The output of the internship is a report prepared by the student and a project, prepared according to the assignment of the thesis supervisor. Both the report and the project are prepared on an ongoing basis and reflect the student's experience in the workplace. These outputs also inform the teacher and the guarantor about the course of internships and also provide students and teachers with feedback on the application of knowledge gained during the study, which allows the guarantor to reflect in the study plan the needs of the internship.

    The University of Regional Development and the Banking Institute - AMBIS, as., Declare the connection of theoretical knowledge acquired during the study with practice to their applicants and students as part of the implementation of the study program. Theoretical knowledge will be applied through the implemented practices to real situations arising from the actual functioning of organizations in the economy.

  • Access to Further Studies

    The follow-up master's degree program in Economics and Business Management follows on from the bachelor's degree program in Economics and Management accredited at the University of Regional Development and the Banking Institute - AMBIS, a.s. It is also assumed that there will be a connection to similarly designed bachelor's degree programs in economics and programs.

Basic information

master's degree programme (following the bachelor's one)
Length of studies
2 years
Language of instruction
Czech Czech

number of active students
number of theses/dissertations

AMBIS University
Programme guaranteed by
Programme guarantor