Degree programme objectives

The aim of the bachelor's study program Economics and Business Management is to equip graduates with systemic knowledge and practical skills for fulfilling tasks in economics and management, planning and management, organization, business and company management at various management levels and in various positions in the for-profit and non-profit sector.

In addition to professional knowledge, the study program also emphasizes the practical skills of students with regard to their future application. From this point of view, the goals of the study program include the preparation of experts capable of immediate entry into practice in positions requiring a bachelor's degree in management of organizations and companies, in the for-profit and non-profit sector, especially in economic management positions and executive positions with economic profile. The emphasis on the practical application of graduates permeates the entire study, both by teaching theoretical subjects, where, in addition to high expertise, emphasis is placed on the connection of the presented knowledge with practice, and especially the practical part of teaching. Most lectures are accompanied by exercises, where students have the opportunity to immediately apply the acquired knowledge to practical problems. The exercises are often taught by practitioners who are able to reflect the real needs and challenges that future graduates may encounter in their future employment. The study is in accordance with the requirements of Act No. 111/1998 Coll., On Universities, as amended, for professional types of study programs, the space is also devoted to practical internships of students at various workplaces according to the specific focus of the study program. The internship plan is always compiled and checked by the guarantor of the study program together with experts from the internship, which guarantees its connection to the goals of the study program and the graduate's profile, as well as to the current needs of the internship.

Study plans


  • Objectives

    The aim of the bachelor's study program Economics and Business Management is to equip graduates with systemic knowledge and practical skills for fulfilling tasks in economics and management, planning and management, organization, business and company management at various management levels and in various positions in the for-profit and non-profit sector.

    In addition to professional knowledge, the study program also emphasizes the practical skills of students with regard to their future application. From this point of view, the goals of the study program include the preparation of experts capable of immediate entry into practice in positions requiring a bachelor's degree in management of organizations and companies, in the for-profit and non-profit sector, especially in economic management positions and executive positions with economic profile. The emphasis on the practical application of graduates permeates the entire study, both by teaching theoretical subjects, where, in addition to high expertise, emphasis is placed on the connection of the presented knowledge with practice, and especially the practical part of teaching. Most lectures are accompanied by exercises, where students have the opportunity to immediately apply the acquired knowledge to practical problems. The exercises are often taught by practitioners who are able to reflect the real needs and challenges that future graduates may encounter in their future employment. The study is in accordance with the requirements of Act No. 111/1998 Coll., On Universities, as amended, for professional types of study programs, the space is also devoted to practical internships of students at various workplaces according to the specific focus of the study program. The internship plan is always compiled and checked by the guarantor of the study program together with experts from the internship, which guarantees its connection to the goals of the study program and the graduate's profile, as well as to the current needs of the internship.

  • Learning Outcomes

    After successfully completing his/her studies the graduate is able to:

    • Have a broad theoretical knowledge of economics, knowledge of world events from an economic and geopolitical perspective.
    • Have a sufficient overview of methods for capturing and evaluating the economic activity of the company, including their IT support, and of methods and approaches in the field of management with reference to the legislative framework for the operatio
    • Know the set of business activities, processes and systems including identifying their benefits and limitations.
    • Have knowledge of the wider context and impacts of economic activity and the principles of sustainable development.
    • Understand management approaches and methods for leading people, projects and teams, including their strengths and limitations when applied to specific purposes.
    • Understand basic analytical methods for processing economic data and their further use.
    • Know the main concepts of research methodology and theory of quantitative and qualitative data collection and processing for application in business practice.
    • Identify, locate, sort and interpret economic information relevant to solving specific economic problems.
    • Use and apply knowledge of the legal regulation of business in corporate practice - selection of the optimal form of business, knowledge of the obligations associated with business, orientation in the area of contractual relations with business partn
    • Describe the economic operations of an enterprise and assess their impact on the financial position, performance and solvency of the enterprise and assess the risks arising from those operations, using economic information for decision making and man
    • Apply modern management approaches and techniques in solving practical problems in the company.
    • Using expert knowledge, evaluate the effectiveness of a project, system or process of a given enterprise and suggest partial improvements.
    • Apply research methods in a selected area of economics and management and implement an applied research project using relevant methodology.

  • Occupational Profiles of Graduates

    The graduate can work in executive and lower and middle management positions in organizations, in manufacturing companies and in non-profit organizations. In Czech and multinational companies, it can be used primarily in the positions of economists, analysts, administration, project managers, lower and middle management, etc.

  • Rules and Conditions for the Creation of a Study Plan

    Students must obtain 160 credits (88% of all credits) for compulsory subjects and compulsory elective languages. The remaining 20 credits (ie 12% of all credits) are reserved for elective courses. Students choose optional subjects from other subjects outside their compulsory study plan, taught at the University of Regional Development and the Banking Institute - AMBIS, a.s. The student can consult the study advisor at any time about the choice of these subjects. The ECTS credit system is used for credit evaluation.

  • Practical Training

    The internship is performed at various employers with regard to the chosen profile of the student and the chosen field with regard to the focus and topic of his bachelor's thesis.

    Compulsory professional practice is an integral part of the prepared bachelor's professional study program Economics and Business Management. Students carry out professional practice in the third, fourth, fifth and sixth semesters of study, a total of 16 working weeks.

    Compulsory internship plans are created in cooperation with students by the study department of the University of Regional Development and the Banking Institute - AMBIS, a.s. The final form of the internship plans is subject to the approval of the guarantor of the study program, which takes into account the professional content of the internship and its compliance with the study goals in the study program and the profile of the graduate. A written contract is concluded with the workplace where the internship is performed. The output of the internship is a report prepared by the student and a project prepared according to the assignment of the supervisor. The report and the project are prepared on an ongoing basis and reflect the student's experience in the workplace. These outputs also inform the teacher and the guarantor about the course of internships and also provide students and teachers with feedback on the application of knowledge gained during the study, which allows the guarantor to reflect in the study plan the needs of practice.

  • Access to Further Studies

    The bachelor's degree program in Economics and Business Management can be followed by a master's degree in related degree programs dealing mainly with economics, management, business, financial decision-making, public administration management, public finance, etc. At present, graduates can continue in the follow-up master's degree program in Management , which is accredited in accordance with the amendment to Act No. 111/1998 Coll., on Higher Education Institutions, as amended, valid until 31 December 2024. In February 2019, the University of Regional Development and the Banking Institute - AMBIS, as , To the National Accreditation Office, an application for accreditation of a follow-up professionally oriented master's degree program in Economics and Business Management.

Basic information

Bachelor's degree programme
Length of studies
3 years
Language of instruction
Czech Czech

number of active students
number of theses/dissertations

AMBIS University
Programme guaranteed by
Programme guarantor