Theses on a related topic (having the same keywords):

kreditni karta, debetni karta, zabezpeceni, platebni karta

Keywords ordered alphabetically | Keywords ordered by occurrence rate

Lněničková, Markéta
Faculty: AMBIS University
Year: 2010, studies terminated for failure to fulfill study requirements
Programme/field: Economics and Management / Finance (combination/specialization: Insurance Industry)
Master's thesis defence: Hodnocení a srovnávání spotřebitelských úvěrů na českém trhu | Theses on a related topic Display description

Lojdová, Simona
Faculty: AMBIS University
Year: 2007, studies completed, degree conferred: Ing.
Programme/field: Economics and Management / Finance (combination/specialization: Financial Trades)
Master's thesis defence: Analýza návratnosti investic v oblasti platebních karet | Theses on a related topic

Losmanová, Miroslava
Faculty: AMBIS University
Year: 2020, studies completed, degree conferred: Bc.
Programme/field: Economics and Management / Economics and Enterprise Management
Bachelor's thesis defence: Kontokorentní úvěry a kreditní karty | Theses on a related topic

Lukeš, Pavel
Faculty: AMBIS University
Year: 2013, studies completed, degree conferred: Bc.
Programme/field: Banking / Information Technologies (combination/specialization: Project Manager of Information Systems)
Bachelor's thesis defence: Datová úložiště pro domácnosti a malé firmy | Theses on a related topic

Lukešová, Martina maiden name: Lukešová
Faculty: AMBIS University
Year: 2007, studies completed, degree conferred: Bc.
Programme/field: Banking / Banking Management
Bachelor's thesis defence: Srovnání bankovního systému ČR a Rakouska | Theses on a related topic

Machytka, Václav maiden name: Machytka
Faculty: AMBIS University
Year: 2020, studies completed, degree conferred: Bc.
Programme/field: Security and Safety Management in Regions / Security and Safety Management in Regions
Bachelor's thesis defence: Vývojové trendy cylindrických vložek | Theses on a related topic

Martinek, Jan
Faculty: AMBIS University
Year: 2008, studies completed, degree conferred: Bc.
Programme/field: Banking / Information Technologies (combination/specialization: IT Service Manager)
Bachelor's thesis defence: Možnosti formátu PDF při správě a distribuci souborů | Theses on a related topic

Míka, Pavel
Faculty: AMBIS University
Year: 2009, studies completed, degree conferred: Bc.
Programme/field: Banking / Information Technologies (combination/specialization: IT Service Manager)
Bachelor's thesis defence: Správa a řízení firemní sítě společnosti NJK Unicos s.r.o. | Theses on a related topic

Mikhaylova, Viktoriya maiden name: Gosteva
Faculty: AMBIS University
Year: 2010, studies completed, degree conferred: Bc.
Programme/field: Banking / Banking Management (combination/specialization: Banking Manager - specialist (Commercial Banking))
Bachelor's thesis defence: Šeky a Evropská unie | Theses on a related topic

Miksa, Marek
Faculty: AMBIS University
Year: 2024, studies completed, degree conferred: Bc.
Programme/field: Security & Safety Management / Security & Safety Management
Bachelor's thesis defence: Využitelnost poplachových zabezpečovacích a tísňových systémů v závislosti na typu objektu | Theses on a related topic

Mirc, Vladimír
Faculty: AMBIS University
Year: 2022, studies completed, degree conferred: Bc.
Programme/field: Security & Safety Management in Regions / Security and Safety Management in Regions (combination/specialization: Kybernetická bezpečnost)
Bachelor's thesis defence: Kybernetická bezpečnost řídících a informačních systémů v energetice | Theses on a related topic

Míšková, Petra
Faculty: AMBIS University
Year: 2015, studies terminated for failure to fulfill study requirements
Programme/field: Economics and Management / Finance
Master's thesis defence: Hodnocení konkurence na bankovním trhu ČR | Theses on a related topic

Mrázová, Ivana
Faculty: AMBIS University
Year: 2009, studies completed, degree conferred: Bc.
Programme/field: Banking / Banking Management (combination/specialization: Banking Manager)
Bachelor's thesis defence: Analýza trhu spotřebních úvěrů v ČR | Theses on a related topic

Novák, Jiří
Faculty: AMBIS University
Year: 2015, studies terminated for failure to fulfill study requirements
Programme/field: Banking / Information Technologies (combination/specialization: IT Service Manager)
Bachelor's thesis defence: Formát PDF a jeho využití | Theses on a related topic

Novotná, Lucie
Faculty: AMBIS University
Year: 2013, studies completed, degree conferred: Bc.
Programme/field: Banking / Banking Management (combination/specialization: Banking Manager)
Bachelor's thesis defence: Podvody v platebním styku | Theses on a related topic

Nožka, Vendelín
Faculty: AMBIS University
Year: 2012, studies completed, degree conferred: Bc.
Programme/field: Regional Development / Regional Development
Bachelor's thesis defence: Trestné činy proti měně a platebním prostředkům | Theses on a related topic

Ondroušek, Jan
Faculty: AMBIS University
Year: 2022, studies completed, degree conferred: Bc.
Programme/field: Security & Safety Management in Regions / Security and Safety Management in Regions (combination/specialization: Bez zaměření)
Bachelor's thesis defence: Informační a kybernetická bezpečnost v České republice | Theses on a related topic

Pačová, Vendula maiden name: Pačová
Faculty: AMBIS University
Year: 2009, studies completed, degree conferred: Bc.
Programme/field: Banking / Banking Management (combination/specialization: Banking Manager, Banking Manager, Banking Manager)
Bachelor's thesis defence: Platební karty – historie, současnost | Theses on a related topic

Pavlíčková, Jitka
Faculty: AMBIS University
Year: 2005, studies completed, degree conferred: Ing.
Programme/field: Economics and Management / Finance (combination/specialization: Finance and Economy of Local Authorities)

Pavlíčková, Jitka
Faculty: AMBIS University
Year: 2003, studies completed, degree conferred: Bc.
Programme/field: Banking / Banking Management (combination/specialization: Banking Manager)

Petrusová, Renata
Faculty: AMBIS University
Year: 2018, studies completed, degree conferred: Ing.
Programme/field: Economics and Management / Finance
Master's thesis defence: Analýza vybraných produktů retailového bankovnictví v ČR | Theses on a related topic

Pilátová, Miloslava
Faculty: AMBIS University
Year: 2005, studies completed, degree conferred: Ing.
Programme/field: Economics and Management / Finance (combination/specialization: Finance and Economy of Local Authorities)

Podholová, Iva maiden name: Šilhanová
Faculty: AMBIS University
Year: 2012, studies completed, degree conferred: Ing.
Programme/field: Economics and Management / Finance (combination/specialization: Financial Trades)
Master's thesis defence: Analýza platebních karet v ČR, vývojové trendy, možnosti, limity | Theses on a related topic

Podzimek, Tomáš
Faculty: AMBIS University
Year: 2010, studies completed, degree conferred: Bc.
Programme/field: Banking / Banking Management (combination/specialization: Banking Manager)
Bachelor's thesis defence: Platební styk a trestné činy | Theses on a related topic
Bachelor's thesis defence: Platební styk a trestné činy | Theses on a related topic

Poštulka, Zdenek
Faculty: AMBIS University
Year: 2007, studies completed, degree conferred: Bc.
Programme/field: Banking / Banking Management

Prášil, David
Faculty: AMBIS University
Year: 2023, studies completed, degree conferred: Bc.
Programme/field: Security & Safety Management in Regions / Security and Safety Management in Regions (combination/specialization: Kriminalistika a kriminologie)
Bachelor's thesis defence: Ochrana měkkých cílů na příkladu základních škol na území České republiky | Theses on a related topic

Pravdíková, Věra maiden name: Slavíková
Faculty: AMBIS University
Year: 2006, studies completed, degree conferred: Bc.
Programme/field: Banking / Banking Management
Bachelor's thesis defence: Úroveň poskytování spotřebitelských úvěrů v ČR | Theses on a related topic

Profousová, Klára
Faculty: AMBIS University
Year: 2004, studies completed, degree conferred: Bc.
Programme/field: Banking / Banking Management

Pupíková, Karolína
Faculty: AMBIS University
Year: 2007, studies completed, degree conferred: Bc.
Programme/field: Banking / Banking Management
Bachelor's thesis defence: Analýza trhu bankovních úvěrů pro obyvatelstvo ČR a trendy budoucího vývoje | Theses on a related topic

Pupíková, Karolína
Faculty: AMBIS University
Year: 2009, studies completed, degree conferred: Ing.
Programme/field: Economics and Management / Finance (combination/specialization: Financial Trades)
Master's thesis defence: Porovnání bankovního trhu ČR a vybrané země EU | Theses on a related topic

Rafajová, Eva
Faculty: AMBIS University
Year: 2009, studies completed, degree conferred: Ing.
Programme/field: Economics and Management / Finance (combination/specialization: Financial Trades)
Master's thesis defence: Komparace bezhotovostních platebních instrumentů | Theses on a related topic

Raška, Luboš
Faculty: AMBIS University
Year: 2005, studies completed, degree conferred: Bc.
Programme/field: Banking / Banking Management

Roučka, Jan
Faculty: AMBIS University
Year: 2020, studies completed, degree conferred: Ing.
Programme/field: Urban and Regional Development / Urban and Regional Development Management
Master's thesis defence: Přínosy implementace principů Smart city ve městech České republiky | Theses on a related topic

Růžička, Petr
Faculty: AMBIS University
Year: 2014, studies completed, degree conferred: Bc.
Programme/field: Banking / Banking Management (combination/specialization: Banking Manager)
Bachelor's thesis defence: Analýza úvěrů, včetně komparace podmínek v největších tuzemských bankách | Theses on a related topic

Rýdlová, Nikola
Faculty: AMBIS University
Year: 2020, studies completed, degree conferred: Bc.
Programme/field: Security and Safety Management in Regions / Security and Safety Management in Regions
Bachelor's thesis defence: Bezpečnost platebních karet v České republice | Theses on a related topic

Ryšková, Marcela
Faculty: AMBIS University
Year: 2006, studies completed, degree conferred: Ing.
Programme/field: Economics and Management / Finance (combination/specialization: Finance and Economy of Local Authorities)
Master's thesis defence: Platební systémy používané bankami na území ČR | Theses on a related topic

Schwarz, Rostislav
Faculty: AMBIS University
Year: 2004, studies completed, degree conferred: Bc.
Programme/field: Banking / Banking Management

Skřivanová, Jana
Faculty: AMBIS University
Year: 2006, studies completed, degree conferred: Bc.
Programme/field: Banking / Banking Management
Bachelor's thesis defence: Analýza trhu platebních karet v ČR a trendy jeho budoucího vývoje | Theses on a related topic

Skřivanová, Lenka
Faculty: AMBIS University
Year: 2010, studies completed, degree conferred: Ing.
Programme/field: Economics and Management / Finance (combination/specialization: Financial Trades)
Master's thesis defence: Financování osobních potřeb pomocí úvěrových karet a spotřebních úvěrů | Theses on a related topic

Skurovec, Jan
Faculty: AMBIS University
Year: 2005, studies completed, degree conferred: Bc.
Programme/field: Banking / Banking Management

Smitková, Veronika
Faculty: AMBIS University
Year: 2016, studies completed, degree conferred: Ing.
Programme/field: Economics and Management / Finance
Master's thesis defence: Platební služby - studie | Theses on a related topic

Solarová, Markéta
Faculty: AMBIS University
Year: 2022, studies completed, degree conferred: Bc.
Programme/field: Security & Safety Management in Regions / Security and Safety Management in Regions (combination/specialization: Kriminalistika a kriminologie)
Bachelor's thesis defence: Posouzení fyzické bezpečnosti Základní školy a Základní umělecké školy Líbeznice | Theses on a related topic

Somsedík, Jan
Faculty: AMBIS University
Year: 2014, studies completed, degree conferred: Ing.
Programme/field: Economics and Management / Information Technologies and Management
Master's thesis defence: Zabezpečení informačního systému v podniku | Theses on a related topic
Master's thesis defence: Zabezpečení informačního systému v podniku | Theses on a related topic

Strnad, Lukáš
Faculty: AMBIS University
Year: 2014, studies completed, degree conferred: Bc.
Programme/field: Banking / Banking Management (combination/specialization: Banking Manager)
Bachelor's thesis defence: Vydávání a používání platebních karet | Theses on a related topic

Suchá, Iveta
Faculty: AMBIS University
Year: 2014, studies completed, degree conferred: Ing.
Programme/field: Economics and Management / Finance
Master's thesis defence: Analýza úvěrových možností pro FO pro financování krátkodobých a střednědobých potřeb | Theses on a related topic

Svobodová, Věra maiden name: Vrtišková
Faculty: AMBIS University
Year: 2007, studies completed, degree conferred: Bc.
Programme/field: Banking / Banking Management
Bachelor's thesis defence: Srovnání internetového bankovnictví vybraných bank | Theses on a related topic

Šimanová, Stanislava
Faculty: AMBIS University
Year: 2008, studies completed, degree conferred: Bc.
Programme/field: Banking / Electronic Trading
Bachelor's thesis defence: Elektronické bankovnictví z pohledu klientské ochrany | Theses on a related topic

Škorpil, Ondřej
Faculty: AMBIS University
Year: 2005, studies completed, degree conferred: Bc.
Programme/field: Banking / Banking Management

Škrétová, Petra
Faculty: AMBIS University
Year: 2015, studies completed, degree conferred: Ing.
Programme/field: Economics and Management / Finance
Master's thesis defence: Porovnání trhu platebních karet na trhu ČR a vybrané zemi EU - Slovensko | Theses on a related topic

Škubalová, Michaela
Faculty: AMBIS University
Year: 2008, studies completed, degree conferred: Bc.
Programme/field: Banking / Banking Management (combination/specialization: Banking Manager, Banking Manager, Banking Manager)
Bachelor's thesis defence: Porovnání výhodnosti produktů pro studenty s běžnými bankovními produkty | Theses on a related topic