Theses on a related topic (having the same keywords):

historia emu, konvergencne kriteria, europska menova unia, trendy, buducnost emu, slovinsko, sucasny vyvoj, slovensko

Keywords ordered alphabetically | Keywords ordered by occurrence rate

Antalová, Iveta
Faculty: Banking Institute/College of Banking SK
Year: 2011, studies completed, degree conferred: Bc.
Programme/field: Banking / Legal Administration in Undertaking
Bachelor's thesis defence: Proces vstupu SR do európskej menovej únie | Theses on a related topic Display description

Oros, Beáta
Faculty: AMBIS University
Year: 2010, studies completed, degree conferred: Ing.
Programme/field: Economics and Management / Finance (combination/specialization: Financial Trades)
Master's thesis defence: Európska menová únia – aktuálny vývoj, trendy do budúcnosti | Theses on a related topic

Babinská, Kateřina
Faculty: AMBIS University
Year: 2010, studies completed, degree conferred: Bc.
Programme/field: Banking / Legal Administration in Undertaking
Bachelor's thesis defence: Slovensko po vstupu do eurozóny | Theses on a related topic

Barancová, Martina
Faculty: AMBIS University
Year: 2020, studies completed, degree conferred: Bc.
Programme/field: Řízení cestovního ruchu / Gastronomie, hotelnictví a cestovní ruch
Bachelor's thesis defence: Analýza trendů konzumace tradičních nápojů v ČR.

Bartošová, Pavla
Faculty: AMBIS University
Year: 2020, studies completed, degree conferred: Ing.
Programme/field: Economics and Management / Management
Master's thesis defence: Trendy elektronické obsluhy bankovních klientů | Theses on a related topic

Bednář, Miloš
Faculty: AMBIS University
Year: 2016, studies completed, degree conferred: Bc.
Programme/field: Řízení cestovního ruchu / Gastronomie, hotelnictví a cestovní ruch
Bachelor's thesis defence: Současné trendy v barmanství a jejich aplikace v praxi

Belovičová, Helena
Faculty: Banking Institute/College of Banking SK
Year: 2010, studies completed, degree conferred: Ing.
Programme/field: Economics and Management / Finance (combination/specialization: Financial Trades)
Master's thesis defence: Vývoj menovej sústavy na Slovensku /historicko-právne aspekty/ | Theses on a related topic

Bendová, Ester
Faculty: AMBIS University
Year: 2014, studies completed, degree conferred: Bc.
Programme/field: Economics and Management / Economics and Small and Medium Enterprises Management
Bachelor's thesis defence: Nové marketingové trendy jako nástroj zvyšování konkurenceschopnosti podniku | Theses on a related topic

Bondyová, Tereza maiden name: Bondyová
Faculty: AMBIS University
Year: 2021, studies completed, degree conferred: Ing.
Programme/field: Regional Development / Urban and Regional Development Management
Master's thesis defence: Rozvojové trendy a buducnost malých měst v Německu a Rakousku | Theses on a related topic

Brettschneider Szénási, Irén maiden name: Fügediova
Faculty: AMBIS University
Year: 2010, studies completed, degree conferred: Ing.
Programme/field: Economics and Management / Finance (combination/specialization: Financial Trades)
Master's thesis defence: Finančný trh v Českej republike a v Slovenskej republike po vstupe do EU | Theses on a related topic

Buriánek, Milan
Faculty: AMBIS University
Year: 2009, studies completed, degree conferred: Bc.
Programme/field: Banking / Legal Administration in Undertaking
Bachelor's thesis defence: Firemní kriminalita | Theses on a related topic

Cupák, Adrián maiden name: Cupák
Faculty: Banking Institute/College of Banking SK
Year: 2009, studies completed, degree conferred: Ing.
Programme/field: Economics and Management / Finance
Master's thesis defence: Trendy vývoja európskeho bankovníctva | Theses on a related topic

Davidíková, Silvia maiden name: Davidíková
Faculty: AMBIS University
Year: 2021, studies completed, degree conferred: Ing.
Programme/field: Urban and Regional Development / Urban and Regional Development Management (combination/specialization: Management a rozvoj lidských zdrojů)
Master's thesis defence: Spotřebitelské chování v cestovním ruchu při návštěvě ČR | Theses on a related topic

Drugová, Veronika
Faculty: AMBIS University
Year: 2021, studies completed, degree conferred: Bc.
Programme/field: Řízení cestovního ruchu
Bachelor's thesis defence: Současné trendy v konzumaci vín ve vztahu k jejich párování s pokrmy

Ducháček, Jan
Faculty: AMBIS University
Year: 2024, studies completed, degree conferred: Bc.
Programme/field: Security & Safety Management / Security & Safety Management
Bachelor's thesis defence: Vývoj a struktura kriminality v Královehradeckém a Pardubickém kraji v letech 2017 - 2022 | Theses on a related topic

Erlebachová, Kristýna
Faculty: AMBIS University
Year: 2024, studies completed, degree conferred: Bc.
Programme/field: Hotel and tourism management / Hotel and tourism management
Bachelor's thesis defence: Specifika vybrané kultury a jejich odraz na tvorbu produktu v cestovním ruchu | Theses on a related topic

Fecková, Ivana maiden name: Vojtková
Faculty: Banking Institute/College of Banking SK
Year: 2012, studies completed, degree conferred: Ing.
Programme/field: Economics and Management / Finance
Master's thesis defence: Priame zahraničné investície SR – analýza vývoja od r. 2000 po súčasnosť | Theses on a related topic

Fialová, Aneta
Faculty: AMBIS University
Year: 2017, studies completed, degree conferred: Bc.
Programme/field: Economics and Management / Economics and Enterprise Management
Bachelor's thesis defence: Postavení manažera v organizaci, nové trendy ve 21. století. | Theses on a related topic

Firčová, Dominika
Faculty: Banking Institute/College of Banking SK
Year: 2011, studies completed, degree conferred: Ing.
Programme/field: Economics and Management / Finance (combination/specialization: Financial Trades)
Master's thesis defence: Vývojové tendencie na trhu produktov havarijného poistenia motorových vozidiel | Theses on a related topic

Frajková, Linda
Faculty: Banking Institute/College of Banking SK
Year: 2015, studies completed, degree conferred: Ing.
Programme/field: Economics and Management / Finance
Master's thesis defence: Produktové trendy v bankovníctve | Theses on a related topic

Franková, Iveta
Faculty: Banking Institute/College of Banking SK
Year: 2014, studies completed, degree conferred: Bc.
Programme/field: Banking / Banking Management
Bachelor's thesis defence: Konvergencia ekonomiky Slovenskej republiky v porovnaní s krajinami Európskej únie | Theses on a related topic

Hába, Martin
Faculty: AMBIS University
Year: 2012, studies completed, degree conferred: Bc.
Programme/field: Regional Development / Regional Development
Bachelor's thesis defence: Historický vývoj managementu a jeho význam pro současnost | Theses on a related topic

Hanáková, Barbora
Faculty: AMBIS University
Year: 2019, studies completed, degree conferred: Bc.
Programme/field: Řízení cestovního ruchu / Gastronomie, hotelnictví a cestovní ruch
Bachelor's thesis defence: Nové trendy výroby vín ve světě a v ČR

Hrnčiarová, Eva
Faculty: Banking Institute/College of Banking SK
Year: 2011, studies completed, degree conferred: Bc.
Programme/field: Banking / Legal Administration in Undertaking
Bachelor's thesis defence: Aktívna politika zamestnanosti a jej odraz vo vývoji nezamestnanosti SR | Theses on a related topic

Chúpková, Jaroslava
Faculty: Banking Institute/College of Banking SK
Year: 2012, studies completed, degree conferred: Bc.
Programme/field: Banking / Legal Administration in Undertaking
Bachelor's thesis defence: Historický vývoj občianskeho práva na Slovensku | Theses on a related topic

Jančušková, Michaela maiden name: Durnotová
Faculty: Banking Institute/College of Banking SK
Year: 2010, studies completed, degree conferred: Bc.
Programme/field: Banking / Banking Management (combination/specialization: Banking Manager)
Bachelor's thesis defence: Dopady zavedenia eura na ekonomiku SR | Theses on a related topic
Bachelor's thesis defence: Dopady zavedenia eura na ekonomiku SR | Theses on a related topic

Juráková, Miroslava
Faculty: Banking Institute/College of Banking SK
Year: 2013, studies completed, degree conferred: Ing.
Programme/field: Economics and Management / Finance
Master's thesis defence: Vybrané nástroje finančného trhu využívané v podmienkach SR | Theses on a related topic

Kamarásová, Veronika
Faculty: Banking Institute/College of Banking SK
Year: 2009, studies completed, degree conferred: Ing.
Programme/field: Economics and Management / Finance
Master's thesis defence: Sociálno-ekonomické aspekty vstupu Slovenska do eurozóny | Theses on a related topic

Kissová, Darina maiden name: Sóosová
Faculty: Banking Institute/College of Banking SK
Year: 2009, studies completed, degree conferred: Ing.
Programme/field: Economics and Management / Finance (combination/specialization: Financial Trades)
Master's thesis defence: Analýza implementácie EUR v SR | Theses on a related topic

Klimantová, Katarína
Faculty: Banking Institute/College of Banking SK
Year: 2009, studies completed, degree conferred: Ing.
Programme/field: Economics and Management / Finance (combination/specialization: Financial Trades)
Master's thesis defence: Slovenská republika v Európskej menovej únii, riziká a príležitosti | Theses on a related topic

Klimeš, Tomáš
Faculty: AMBIS University
Year: 2023, studies completed, degree conferred: Bc.
Programme/field: Economics and Enterprise Management / Economics and Enterprise Management
Bachelor's thesis defence: Zdanění zaměstnaneckých benefitů | Theses on a related topic

Kmeťová, Gabriela
Faculty: Banking Institute/College of Banking SK
Year: 2010, studies completed, degree conferred: Bc.
Programme/field: Banking / Banking Management
Bachelor's thesis defence: Európska centrálna banka a jej úloha v Európskej menovej únii | Theses on a related topic

Koptišová, Marie
Faculty: AMBIS University
Year: 2013, studies completed, degree conferred: Ing.
Programme/field: Economics and Management / Finance
Master's thesis defence: Porovnání internetového bankovnictví vybraných bank, vývojové trendy | Theses on a related topic

Kovaničová, Nikola
Faculty: Banking Institute/College of Banking SK
Year: 2010, studies completed, degree conferred: Ing.
Programme/field: Economics and Management / Finance
Master's thesis defence: Perspektívy vstupu Poľska, Českej republiky a Maďarska do eurozony | Theses on a related topic

Kožíková, Ivana maiden name: Fašková
Faculty: Banking Institute/College of Banking SK
Year: 2009, studies completed, degree conferred: Ing.
Programme/field: Economics and Management / Finance (combination/specialization: Financial Trades)
Master's thesis defence: Bankovka - finančný nástroj centrálnej banky | Theses on a related topic

Kramplová, Monika
Faculty: Banking Institute/College of Banking SK
Year: 2012, studies completed, degree conferred: Ing.
Programme/field: Economics and Management / Finance
Master's thesis defence: Eurozóna z pohľadu teórie optimálnej menovej oblasti | Theses on a related topic

Krška, Miroslav
Faculty: Banking Institute/College of Banking SK
Year: 2011, studies completed, degree conferred: Bc.
Programme/field: Banking / Banking Management (combination/specialization: Banking Manager)
Bachelor's thesis defence: Manažovanie - nové trendy v poisťovníctve | Theses on a related topic

Křivancová, Miroslava
Faculty: AMBIS University
Year: 2012, studies completed, degree conferred: Bc.
Programme/field: Banking / Banking Management (combination/specialization: Banking Manager)
Bachelor's thesis defence: Malé a střední podniky jako cílový segment pro banky | Theses on a related topic
Bachelor's thesis defence: Malé a střední podniky jako cílový segment pro banky | Theses on a related topic

Kučerová, Karla maiden name: Janečková
Faculty: AMBIS University
Year: 2007, studies completed, degree conferred: Bc.
Programme/field: Banking / Insurance industry
Bachelor's thesis defence: Majetkové pojištění, situace v ČR a EU | Theses on a related topic

Kuchařová, Barbora
Faculty: AMBIS University
Year: 2010, studies completed, degree conferred: Bc.
Programme/field: Banking / Banking Management (combination/specialization: Banking Manager)
Bachelor's thesis defence: Analýza a perspektivy trhu stavebního spoření | Theses on a related topic

Kusý, Martin
Faculty: AMBIS University
Year: 2019, studies completed, degree conferred: Bc.
Programme/field: Security and Safety Management in Regions / Security and Safety Management in Regions
Bachelor's thesis defence: Správní soudnictví v ČR | Theses on a related topic

Levická, Slávka
Faculty: Banking Institute/College of Banking SK
Year: 2011, studies completed, degree conferred: Bc.
Programme/field: Banking / Banking Management
Bachelor's thesis defence: Trendy vo vývoji bankového sektora SR | Theses on a related topic

Ludwigová, Eva
Faculty: AMBIS University
Year: 2016, studies completed, degree conferred: Bc.
Programme/field: Banking / Banking Management
Bachelor's thesis defence: Makroekonomické trendy ČR a jejich predikce | Theses on a related topic
Bachelor's thesis defence: Makroekonomické trendy ČR a jejich predikce | Theses on a related topic

Lukášková, Nikola maiden name: Čížková
Faculty: AMBIS University
Year: 2020, studies completed, degree conferred: Bc.
Programme/field: Regional Development / Urban and Regional Development Management
Bachelor's thesis defence: Význam hotelových služeb pro rozvoj cestovního ruchu v regionu Praha | Theses on a related topic

Mareková, Zuzana
Faculty: Banking Institute/College of Banking SK
Year: 2009, studies completed, degree conferred: Bc.
Programme/field: Banking / Banking Management (combination/specialization: Banking Manager)
Bachelor's thesis defence: Devízové trhy v Slovenskej republike | Theses on a related topic

Martin, Martin
Faculty: AMBIS University
Year: 2009, studies completed, degree conferred: Ing.
Programme/field: Economics and Management / Finance (combination/specialization: Insurance Industry)
Master's thesis defence: Analýza trendů světového a českého pojišťovnictví | Theses on a related topic

Martinů, Lukáš
Faculty: AMBIS University
Year: 2016, studies completed, degree conferred: Ing.
Programme/field: Economics and Management / Finance
Master's thesis defence: Regionální politika EU a její nástroje | Theses on a related topic

Marunčiaková, Miroslava
Faculty: Banking Institute/College of Banking SK
Year: 2016, studies completed, degree conferred: Ing.
Programme/field: Economics and Management / Finance
Master's thesis defence: Konvergencia krajín EÚ v období dosahov krízy | Theses on a related topic

Mašek, Jaroslav
Faculty: AMBIS University
Year: 2013, studies completed, degree conferred: Bc.
Programme/field: Banking / Property Evaluation
Bachelor's thesis defence: Komparace oceňování ve státech Evropské unie | Theses on a related topic

Mášiková, Lucia
Faculty: Banking Institute/College of Banking SK
Year: 2009, studies completed, degree conferred: Bc.
Programme/field: Banking / Banking Management (combination/specialization: Banking Manager)
Bachelor's thesis defence: Analýza procesu zavádzania spoločnej meny euro na Slovensku | Theses on a related topic