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Graduates and Theses
Graduates and Theses
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AMBIS - AMBIS University
BISK - Banking Institute/College of Banking SK
AMBIS - AMBIS University
Department under which the thesis has been written
AMBIS - AMBIS University
AMBIS - AMBIS University
AMBIS - Členové
AMBIS - Department of Economics, Economy, and Public Administration
AMBIS - Department of International Relations and Political Science
AMBIS - Department of Law and Cybersecurity
AMBIS - Department of Management and Human Resources
AMBIS - Department of Marketing and Tourism
AMBIS - Department of Pedagogy
AMBIS - Department of Psychology and Social Sciences
AMBIS - Department of Security Management
AMBIS - Generální ředitel
AMBIS - International Office
AMBIS - KMC – vedení katedry
AMBIS - KMC – vyučující
AMBIS - K102 - Vedení katedry
AMBIS - K102 - Vyučující
AMBIS - K103 - Vedení katedry
AMBIS - K103 - Vyučující
AMBIS - K105 - Vyučující
AMBIS - K107 - Vedení katedry
AMBIS - K107 - Vyučující
AMBIS - K108 - Vedení katedry
AMBIS - K109 - Vedení katedry
AMBIS - Nezařazené
AMBIS - Oddělení vědy a výzkumu
AMBIS - Prorektorát pro akreditace a kvalitu studia
AMBIS - Prorektorát pro pedagogickou činnost
AMBIS - Prorektorát pro studium
AMBIS - Vedení
BISK - Katedra financií a bankovníctva
BISK - K201 - Katedra kvantitatívnych metód a informatiky
BISK - K201 - Vedení katedry
BISK - K201 - Vyučující
BISK - K202 - Katedra ekonómie, oceňovania a spoločenských vied
BISK - K202 - Vedení katedry
BISK - K202 - Vyučující
BISK - K203 - Vedení katedry
BISK - K203 - Vyučující
BISK - Nezařazené
BISK - Studijní odd.
Person's academic degree
Year of defence
Field of Study/plan
AMBIS - Andragogy: Andragogy
AMBIS - Banking: Banking Management
AMBIS - Banking: Banking Management in English
AMBIS - Banking: Broker
AMBIS - Banking: Electronic Trading
AMBIS - Banking: Information Technologies
AMBIS - Banking: Insurance industry
AMBIS - Banking: Legal Administration in Undertaking
AMBIS - Banking: Property Evaluation
AMBIS - Communication studies: Communication studies
AMBIS - Dramatic Arts: Audiovisual communication and creation
AMBIS - Economic Policies and Administration: European Economic and Public Administration Studies (eng.)
AMBIS - Economic Policies and Administration: European Economic and Public Administration Studies
AMBIS - Economic Policies and Administration: Public Administration and the European Union
AMBIS - Economics and Enterprise Management: Economics and Enterprise Management
AMBIS - Economics and Management: International economics and business law
AMBIS - Economics and Management: Mezinárodní ekonomika a právo v podnikání
AMBIS - Economics and Management: Accountancy
AMBIS - Economics and Management: Economics and Medical and Social Services Management
AMBIS - Economics and Management: Economics and Small and Medium Enterprises Management
AMBIS - Economics and Management: Ekonomika podniku
AMBIS - Economics and Management: Information Technologies and Management
AMBIS - Economics and Management: Manažerská studia - řízení lidských zdrojů
AMBIS - Economics and Management: Organization management
AMBIS - Economics and Management: Economics and Enterprise Management
AMBIS - Gastronomie, hotelnictví a turismus: Management cestovního ruchu
AMBIS - Gastronomie, hotelnictví a turismus: Management hotelnictví
AMBIS - Gastronomie, hotelnictví a turismus: Management hotelnictví a cestovního ruchu
AMBIS - Hotel and tourism management: Hotel and tourism management
AMBIS - International Relations and Diplomacy: International Relations and Diplomacy
AMBIS - Law in business: Law in business
AMBIS - Management and economy in public administration: Management and economy in public administration
AMBIS - Marketing comunication: Marketing comunication
AMBIS - Mediální a komunikační studia: Sociální a mediální komunikace
AMBIS - Ochrana a bezpečnost organizace: Bezpečnostní management
AMBIS - Právní specializace: Právo v podnikání
AMBIS - Public policy: Public policy
AMBIS - Regional Development: Urban and Regional Development Management
AMBIS - Regional Development: Regional Development
AMBIS - Regional Development: Management and Regional Development
AMBIS - Resocialization and penitentiary pedagogy: Resocialization and penitentiary pedagogy
AMBIS - Řízení cestovního ruchu: Gastronomie, hotelnictví a cestovní ruch
AMBIS - Security & Safety Management: Security & Safety Management
AMBIS - Security & Safety Management in Regions: Security and Safety Management in Regions
AMBIS - Security and Safety Management in Regions: Security and Safety Management in Regions
AMBIS - Special education: Special education
AMBIS - Special Education: Special Education
AMBIS - Special Education: Special Education - Education
AMBIS - Specialization in Education: Sociální a masová komunikace
AMBIS - Specialization in Education: Adult Education
AMBIS - Teorie a dějiny divadla, filmu a masmédií: Scénická a mediální studia
BISK - Banking: Insurance industry
BISK - Banking: Banking Management
BISK - Banking: Broker
BISK - Banking: Information Technologies
BISK - Banking: Legal Administration in Undertaking
BISK - Banking: Property Evaluation
AMBIS - Business Economics and Management: Business Economics and Management
AMBIS - Economics and Enterprise Management: Economics and Enterprise Management
AMBIS - Economics and Management: Information Technologies and Management
AMBIS - Economics and Management: Management
AMBIS - Economics and Management: Finance
AMBIS - Hospodářská politika a správa: Evropská hospodářskosprávní studia
AMBIS - Hospodářská politika a správa: Management cestovního ruchu
AMBIS - Management and economy in public administration: Management and economy in public administration
AMBIS - Mediální a komunikační studia: Sociální a masová komunikace
AMBIS - Mediální a komunikační studia: Sociální a mediální komunikace
AMBIS - Pedagogy: Adult Education
AMBIS - Regional Development: Urban and Regional Development Management
AMBIS - Security & Safety Management: Security & Safety Management
AMBIS - Special Education: Special Education
AMBIS - Special Education: Special Education - Teaching
AMBIS - Urban and Regional Development: Urban and Regional Development Management
BISK - Economics and Management: Finance
BISK - Economics and Management: Information Technologies and Management
AMBIS - Pedagogy: Andragogy
AMBIS - Speciální pedagogika: Speciální pedagogika
AMBIS - Celoživotní vzdělávání: Ekonomika a management podniku - kombinovaná CŽV
AMBIS - Celoživotní vzdělávání: Study of Pedagogy for Primary School Teachers and Secondary School Teachers
AMBIS - MBA kurzy: MBA - Strategic management for sustainable development
include only defended theses