International Relations and Diplomacy (Bachelor's combined single-subject)

1st year
1st term
There is no data available.
2nd term
There is no data available.
2nd year
3rd term
AMBIS:U_BS_ZA Security Studies - Basics of Analysis • 100 %
AMBIS:U_CIZIJA22 Foreign Language I • 100 %
AMBIS:U_CIZIJA23 Foreign Language II • 100 %
AMBIS:U_DEMEVZII International Relations History II • 100 %
AMBIS:U_DIPLI Diplomacy I • 100 %
AMBIS:U_EVINII European Integration II • 100 %
AMBIS:U_SVETEKON World Economy • 100 %
AMBIS:U_TEMEVZ1 Theory of International Relations • 100 %
4th term
AMBIS:U_BASEI1 Bachelor Thesis Seminar I • 100 %
AMBIS:U_CIZIJA24 Foreign Language I • 100 %
AMBIS:U_CIZIJA25 Foreign Language II • 100 %
AMBIS:U_DIPLII Diplomacy I • 100 %
AMBIS:U_EKDII Economic Diplomacy I • 100 %
AMBIS:U_EVROPRAV European Law • 100 %
AMBIS:U_PDCAC_DI Political History of the Czech Republic and Czech (Czechoslovak) Diplomacy I • 100 %
AMBIS:U_TEORKONF Conflict Theory • 100 %

The information was preprocessed: 29/6/2024 10:39

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