Communication studies (bachelor's full-time single-subject)

1st year
1st term
AMBIS:U_CIJAI14 Foreign Language I • 100 %
AMBIS:U_MEDIGRAM Media Literacy • 100 %
AMBIS:U_TADKAMI Theory and History of Communication and Media I. • 100 %
AMBIS:U_VEKAJP Development of Electronic Communication and its Perception • 100 %
AMBIS:U_ZAKLEKO1 Basics of Economics • 100 %
AMBIS:U_ZAKLPSY7 Basics of Psychology • 100 %
2nd term
AMBIS:U_CEJAAST1 Czech Language and Stylistics • 100 %
AMBIS:U_CIJAII15 Foreign Language II • 100 %
AMBIS:U_PRAXI13 Practice I • 100 %
AMBIS:U_PSTIANM Perceptual Specifics of TV, Internet and New Media • 100 %
AMBIS:U_TADKAMI1 Theory and History of Communication and Media II. • 100 %
AMBIS:U_ZAKLPRA5 Basics of Law • 100 %
AMBIS:U_ZAKLSOC7 Basics of Sociology • 100 %
2nd year
3rd term
AMBIS:PBP_INKOK Intercultural communication • 89 %
AMBIS:PBP_MEM Moderation in electronic media • 89 %
AMBIS:PBP_PTRT Working with text in Radio and TV • 89 %
AMBIS:PBP_ZAFI Basics of Philosophy • 89 %
AMBIS:PBP_ZOP Introduction to Academic Writing • 89 %
AMBIS:PBP_AJ3K English language III • 83 %
AMBIS:U_CIJAI14 Foreign Language I • 72 %
AMBIS:U_MEDIGRAM Media Literacy • 72 %
AMBIS:U_TADKAMI Theory and History of Communication and Media I. • 72 %
AMBIS:U_VEKAJP Development of Electronic Communication and its Perception • 72 %
AMBIS:U_ZAKLEKO1 Basics of Economics • 72 %
AMBIS:U_ZAKLPSY7 Basics of Psychology • 72 %
AMBIS:U_CIJAII16 Foreign Language III • 11 %
AMBIS:U_CPALP Czech Law and Legislative Processes • 11 %
AMBIS:U_INTEKOM2 Interkulturní komunikace • 11 %
AMBIS:U_KOVDELI Komunikace v dějinách lidstva • 11 %
AMBIS:U_KOVEVESP Communication in Public Administration • 11 %
AMBIS:U_PRAXII13 Praxe II • 11 %
AMBIS:U_PRSPR Práce s prameny • 11 %
AMBIS:U_ZAKLFIL1 Základy filosofie • 11 %
4th term
AMBIS:U_CEJAAST1 Czech Language and Stylistics • 94 %
AMBIS:U_CIJAII15 Foreign Language II • 94 %
AMBIS:U_PRAXI13 Practice I • 94 %
AMBIS:U_PSTIANM Perceptual Specifics of TV, Internet and New Media • 94 %
AMBIS:U_TADKAMI1 Theory and History of Communication and Media II. • 94 %
AMBIS:U_ZAKLPRA5 Basics of Law • 94 %
AMBIS:U_ZAKLSOC7 Basics of Sociology • 94 %
3rd year
5th term
AMBIS:PB_OP4K Professional practice IV • 100 %
AMBIS:PBP_AJ5K English language V • 100 %
AMBIS:PBP_BASE2K Bachelor Seminar II • 100 %
AMBIS:PBP_MRA Modern rhetoric and argumentation • 100 %
AMBIS:PBP_REPR Rhetoric in practice • 100 %
AMBIS:PBP_SOPSK Rhetoric in practice • 100 %
AMBIS:U_CIJAII16 Foreign Language III • 100 %
AMBIS:U_CPALP Czech Law and Legislative Processes • 100 %
AMBIS:U_INTEKOM2 Interkulturní komunikace • 100 %
AMBIS:U_KOVDELI Komunikace v dějinách lidstva • 100 %
AMBIS:U_KOVEVESP Communication in Public Administration • 100 %
AMBIS:U_PRAXII13 Praxe II • 100 %
AMBIS:U_PRSPR Práce s prameny • 100 %
AMBIS:U_ZAKLFIL1 Základy filosofie • 100 %
6th term
AMBIS:U_BASEI16 Bachelor Thesis Seminar I • 100 %
AMBIS:U_CIJAIV12 Foreign Language IV • 100 %
AMBIS:U_KOMUDIAG Communication Diagnostics • 100 %
AMBIS:U_NONVKOM1 Nonverbální komunikace • 100 %
AMBIS:U_PRAXIII Praxe III. • 100 %
AMBIS:U_PSLIKO12 Psychology of Human Communication • 100 %
AMBIS:U_ZAOBPR Základy občanského práva • 100 %

The information was preprocessed: 29/6/2024 10:39

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