Special education (bachelor's full-time single-subject)

1st year
1st term
AMBIS:PBP_SPPE Special pedagogy • 94 %
AMBIS:PBP_SOM Somatology • 92 %
AMBIS:PBP_TMSP Theory and methods of social work • 92 %
AMBIS:PBP_UPT An Introduction to Psychological Theory • 92 %
AMBIS:PBP_UPTP An Introduction to Legal Theory and Practice • 92 %
AMBIS:PBP_UST Introduction to Sociological Theory • 92 %
AMBIS:PBP_ZDNE Health and sickness • 92 %
AMBIS:PBP_ZICT Basics of ICT • 92 %
2nd term
AMBIS:U_CIZIJAZY Foreign Language • 100 %
AMBIS:U_PSANE Psychiatry and Neurology • 100 %
AMBIS:U_PSYCOSOB Personality Psychology • 100 %
AMBIS:U_RARPIUAM Controlled and Reflected Practice I. - Introductory and Motivational Practice • 100 %
AMBIS:U_SKPI_US Seminar to Practice I. - Introductory Seminar • 100 %
AMBIS:U_SOCIPOLI Social Policy • 100 %
AMBIS:U_SOMATOP Somatopathology • 100 %
AMBIS:U_TEORVYCH Theory of Child-Rearing • 100 %
AMBIS:U_UDPTAP Introduction to Legal Theory and Practice • 100 %
AMBIS:U_VYVOPSYC Developmental Psychology • 100 %
2nd year
3rd term
AMBIS:PBP_BASES Bachelor Seminar I. • 86 %
AMBIS:PBP_SOPS Social Psychology • 86 %
AMBIS:PBP_SPOMP1 Special pedagogy of persons with mental disabilities I. • 86 %
AMBIS:PBP_SPONK1 Special pedagogy of persons with impaired communication I. • 86 %
AMBIS:PBP_SPOPC1 Special education of persons with behavioural disorders I. • 86 %
AMBIS:PBP_SPOSP1 Special education of people with hearing impairment I. • 86 %
AMBIS:PBP_SPOTP1 Special education of persons with physical disabilities I. • 86 %
AMBIS:PBP_SPOZP1 Special education of people with visual impairment I. • 86 %
AMBIS:PBP_SP2S Practice Seminar II - portfolio development and evaluation • 86 %
AMBIS:U_FIAET Philosophy and Ethics • 71 %
AMBIS:U_OBAINPE General and Inclusive Pedagogy • 71 %
AMBIS:U_SOMATOL Somatology • 71 %
AMBIS:U_SPECPEDA Special Education • 71 %
AMBIS:U_TAMSP Theory and Methods of Social Work • 71 %
AMBIS:U_UVDOPSTE Introduction to Psychological Theory • 71 %
AMBIS:U_UVDOSOTE Introduction to Sociological Theory • 71 %
AMBIS:U_ZAKLICT Basics of ICT • 71 %
AMBIS:U_ZDANE Health and Disease • 71 %
AMBIS:U_BASEI Bachelor Thesis Seminar I • 14 %
AMBIS:U_RARPIZNS Controlled and Reflected Practice II. - Focus on Social Work • 14 %
AMBIS:U_SKPITAE1 Seminar to Practice II. - Portfolio Creation and Evaluation • 14 %
AMBIS:U_SOCIPS19 Social Psychology • 14 %
AMBIS:U_SPOSMPI Special Pedagogy of People with Mental Disabilities I. • 14 %
AMBIS:U_SPOSNKSI Special Pedagogy of People with Impaired Communication Skills I. • 14 %
AMBIS:U_SPOSPCI Special Pedagogy of People with Behavioural Disorders I. • 14 %
AMBIS:U_SPOSSPI Special Pedagogy of People with Hearing Impairment I. • 14 %
AMBIS:U_SPOSTPI Special Pedagogy of People with Physical Disabilities I. • 14 %
AMBIS:U_SPOSZPI Special Pedagogy of Visually Impaired People I. • 14 %
4th term
AMBIS:U_CIZIJAZY Foreign Language • 86 %
AMBIS:U_PSANE Psychiatry and Neurology • 86 %
AMBIS:U_PSYCOSOB Personality Psychology • 86 %
AMBIS:U_RARPIUAM Controlled and Reflected Practice I. - Introductory and Motivational Practice • 86 %
AMBIS:U_SKPI_US Seminar to Practice I. - Introductory Seminar • 86 %
AMBIS:U_SOCIPOLI Social Policy • 86 %
AMBIS:U_SOMATOP Somatopathology • 86 %
AMBIS:U_TEORVYCH Theory of Child-Rearing • 86 %
AMBIS:U_UDPTAP Introduction to Legal Theory and Practice • 86 %
AMBIS:U_VYVOPSYC Developmental Psychology • 86 %
AMBIS:U_IMPOOP Implementation of Support Measures • 14 %
AMBIS:U_MATSASV Methods and Techniques of Social Science and Social Research • 14 %
AMBIS:U_RARPIZN2 Controll. and Refl. Practice III. - Focus on the Targ. Gr. of People w. Ment. OR Behav. Disorders • 14 %
AMBIS:U_SKPITAE2 Seminar to Practice III. - Portfolio Creation and Evaluation • 14 %
AMBIS:U_SOCIPATO Social Pathology • 14 %
AMBIS:U_SPOSMPVT Spec Pedagogy of People w. Mental Disabilities, incl. Therapeutic-Formative Approaches II. • 14 %
AMBIS:U_SPOSNKS3 Special Pedagogy of People with Impaired Communication Skills II • 14 %
AMBIS:U_SPOSPAS Special Pedagogy of People with Autism Spectrum Disorders • 14 %
AMBIS:U_SPOSPCVT Spec. Pedagogy of People w. Behavioural Disorders, incl. Therapeutic-Formative Approaches II. • 14 %
AMBIS:U_SPOSSPI1 Special Pedagogy of People with Hearing Impairment II • 14 %
AMBIS:U_ZAPSAPA Basics of Psychopathology and Pathopsychology • 14 %
3rd year
5th term
AMBIS:PB_OP4S Professional practice IV • 94 %
AMBIS:PBP_AAK Alternative and augmentative communication • 94 %
AMBIS:PBP_DVPDPV Didactics of educational work with a child of preschool age • 94 %
AMBIS:PBP_DVPJSA Didactics of educational work with an individual of school and adolescent age • 94 %
AMBIS:PBP_SPOMN Special pedagogy of persons with special talents • 94 %
AMBIS:PBP_SPOPP Special education of persons with partial disorders (SPUCH) • 94 %
AMBIS:PBP_SPOSP Special education for people with concomitant disabilities • 94 %
AMBIS:PBP_SP4S Practice Seminar IV - portfolio development and evaluation • 94 %
AMBIS:PBP_ZSPD Basics of special educational diagnostics • 94 %
AMBIS:U_BASEI Bachelor Thesis Seminar I • 89 %
AMBIS:U_RARPIZNS Controlled and Reflected Practice II. - Focus on Social Work • 89 %
AMBIS:U_SKPITAE1 Seminar to Practice II. - Portfolio Creation and Evaluation • 89 %
AMBIS:U_SOCIPS19 Social Psychology • 89 %
AMBIS:U_SPOSMPI Special Pedagogy of People with Mental Disabilities I. • 89 %
AMBIS:U_SPOSNKSI Special Pedagogy of People with Impaired Communication Skills I. • 89 %
AMBIS:U_SPOSPCI Special Pedagogy of People with Behavioural Disorders I. • 89 %
AMBIS:U_SPOSSPI Special Pedagogy of People with Hearing Impairment I. • 89 %
AMBIS:U_SPOSTPI Special Pedagogy of People with Physical Disabilities I. • 89 %
AMBIS:U_SPOSZPI Special Pedagogy of Visually Impaired People I. • 89 %
6th term
AMBIS:U_IMPOOP Implementation of Support Measures • 94 %
AMBIS:U_MATSASV Methods and Techniques of Social Science and Social Research • 94 %
AMBIS:U_RARPIZN2 Controll. and Refl. Practice III. - Focus on the Targ. Gr. of People w. Ment. OR Behav. Disorders • 94 %
AMBIS:U_SKPITAE2 Seminar to Practice III. - Portfolio Creation and Evaluation • 94 %
AMBIS:U_SOCIPATO Social Pathology • 94 %
AMBIS:U_SPOSMPVT Spec Pedagogy of People w. Mental Disabilities, incl. Therapeutic-Formative Approaches II. • 94 %
AMBIS:U_SPOSPAS Special Pedagogy of People with Autism Spectrum Disorders • 94 %
AMBIS:U_SPOSPCVT Spec. Pedagogy of People w. Behavioural Disorders, incl. Therapeutic-Formative Approaches II. • 94 %
AMBIS:U_ZAPSAPA Basics of Psychopathology and Pathopsychology • 94 %
AMBIS:U_SPOSNKS3 Special Pedagogy of People with Impaired Communication Skills II • 65 %
AMBIS:U_SPOSSPI1 Special Pedagogy of People with Hearing Impairment II • 65 %
AMBIS:U_SPOSTPI1 Special Pedagogy of People with Physical Disabilities II • 29 %
AMBIS:U_SPOSZPI1 Special Pedagogy of Visually Impaired People II • 29 %

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