Degree programme objectives

The study programme will enable graduates to orient themselves in law in general and also in individual branches of law. Graduates will be able to understand the differences between the public and private sectors of law. The knowledge of law is integrated in the study programme in a broader context with other theoretical and practical disciplines so that the graduate is able to reflect on the anchoring of law in the network of economic, political and social relations. Graduates are encouraged to understand that these interactions and linkages are central to the emergence of legal norms, their content and their implementation. The curriculum is based on legal theory, which is enriched by application practice. Theoretical knowledge of law and individual legal areas in continuous confrontation with legal practice prepares graduates for positions where a bachelor's degree with a legal focus is required and applicable.

Study plans


  • Objectives

    The study programme will enable graduates to orient themselves in law in general and also in individual branches of law. Graduates will be able to understand the differences between the public and private sectors of law. The knowledge of law is integrated in the study programme in a broader context with other theoretical and practical disciplines so that the graduate is able to reflect on the anchoring of law in the network of economic, political and social relations. Graduates are encouraged to understand that these interactions and linkages are central to the emergence of legal norms, their content and their implementation. The curriculum is based on legal theory, which is enriched by application practice. Theoretical knowledge of law and individual legal areas in continuous confrontation with legal practice prepares graduates for positions where a bachelor's degree with a legal focus is required and applicable.

  • Learning Outcomes

    After successfully completing his/her studies the graduate is able to:

    • Have a broad knowledge of the fundamentals of legal theory, the constitutional system of the Czech Republic, its legal system and individual branches of law.
    • Understand the relevant areas of law in the context of European Union and international law.
    • Know the basics of research methodology in the social sciences and the theory of data collection and processing.
    • Interpret the legal norms and regulations of a given branch of law and propose practical procedures and solutions and the use of legal theories in legal practice.
    • Search for adequate case law and the current state of legal doctrine in relation to the specific case.
    • Compare possible legal approaches and procedures and justify their use in a given context.
    • Apply research principles in a selected legal field and implement a research project using relevant methodology.

  • Occupational Profiles of Graduates

    Applicability for public authorities and public administration bodies, e.g. in the field of financial administration.

    Working in clerical positions in ministries and other central government bodies.

    For work in local government at municipal, regional level.

    To act as independent clerks.

    Clerks in the field of misdemeanour proceedings.

    Assistant in a lawyer's, notary's or bailiff's office.

    Acting as arbitrators.

    Acting at lower and middle level as an independent clerk or specialist in commercial companies and other legal entities.

  • Rules and Conditions for the Creation of a Study Plan

    The core of the study programme consists of the subjects of the profiling basis of the study programme (Constitutional Law, Substantive Civil Law, Civil Procedural Law, Commercial Law I and II, Labour Law, Administrative Law I and II, International and European Law) and the basic theoretical subject of the profiling basis of the study programme (Legal Science and System of Law). The content of these subjects is reflected in the content of the parts of the state final examination. Other compulsory subjects of the study programme develop specific requirements for students' knowledge and competences in accordance with the objectives of the study and the graduate's profile.

    The compulsory courses also include a set of courses that are oriented towards methodological procedures applied in independent scientific and professional work and the preparation of professional texts. In the first year, the course is Fundamentals of Professional Work, which focuses on working with sources, forms of text processing and citation, and the possibilities of critical processing of literature research related to the problem being solved. This course is followed in the fourth semester by the course Methodology of professional work, where students learn to formulate research questions in relation to the set objectives of the work, the choice of appropriate methodological approaches (procedures) to process research tasks and ways of recording their own solution to the research task. The Bachelor's Seminar and Bachelor's Thesis courses, in which students work under the guidance of their assigned thesis supervisors, are aimed at applying an individual approach to students in the form of consultations on the topic being addressed. Regular consultations with the thesis supervisor during the preparation of the thesis and its continuous preparation are a condition for the award of credit. This procedure allows the thesis supervisors to direct and control at key points the student's progress in working on the thesis and to monitor the process of its production from its inception with an emphasis on professional quality and academic integrity.

    Students choose elective subjects from other subjects outside the model curriculum taught at AMBIS Vysoká škola, a.s. The student may consult with the study advisor, the study programme guarantor or the supervisor of the bachelor thesis at any time about the choice of these subjects so that the chosen subjects fit best thematically into his/her study portfolio or anticipated professional profile and enable him/her to penetrate more deeply into the area in which he/she is preparing his/her bachelor thesis or into areas that place the topic of the bachelor thesis in a broader context.

  • Practical Training

    The student completes an internship in an organisation selected and approved by the school. The student will prepare a final report on the course of the internship.

  • Access to Further Studies

    The bachelor's study of the Law in Practice programme can be followed up in the follow-up master's study of similarly designed study programmes.

Basic information

Bachelor's degree programme
Length of studies
3 years
Language of instruction
Czech Czech

AMBIS University
Programme guaranteed by