Degree programme objectives

The academically focused bachelor's degree program in Psychology is designed to enable students to acquire a comprehensive set of knowledge, skills and competences in the field of psychology supplemented by knowledge of related social sciences, covering the basics of the main areas of psychology with an emphasis on the field of work and organization. The Psychology program thus fully corresponds to the school's long-term goals and at the same time meets the current needs of society as a whole, manifested at the national and international level by the long-term growing demand for specialists in the field of psychology. The main goal of the program is for graduates of the program to acquire a basic education in all basic psychological disciplines and acquire basic practical skills in the field of psychology, both of which should be based on current knowledge of psychological science and correspond to the first phase of the European standard of psychological education EuroPsy (http://www.europsy. eu/quality-and-standards/regulations). This main goal of study is developed in three interconnected areas. The goal is for graduates to 1) have knowledge of current psychological theory, 2) understand the methodological aspects through which psychological knowledge is formed and be able to use them in an appropriate form in their own practice, and 3) be able to apply psychological knowledge as a means of enabling a better understanding of psychosocial processes at the level of individuals and groups and achieving positive individual and social change. Students will thus be able to follow two main lines of study: a theoretical-methodological line, aimed at a subsequent master's degree in psychology and related fields and the acquisition of research knowledge and skills, and an applied line, aimed at applicability primarily in the field of work and organizational psychology, management and human resources management resources. Emphasis on current psychological theory will provide graduates with the basis for subsequent master's studies in psychology in the Czech Republic and abroad, thus creating prerequisites for obtaining a complete psychological education and practicing the profession of psychologist. The acquired knowledge and skills will also make it possible to follow up with a master's study in related fields, where after completing the relevant follow-up master's study, the graduate can work, for example, as an assistant in education and in the field of social services. The focus on psychology methodology and psychological research will enable graduates to apply in areas involving working with data and the preparation, implementation and processing of research studies in academic as well as commercial and marketing research. The study of applied psychological disciplines will lead to the development of knowledge and skills that, after graduation, will enable participation in the labor market, primarily in the field of organizational and work psychology, management and human resource management, but also in other areas. Graduates will be prepared for work in organizations at the middle management level, in non-profit organizations or in the state administration. The course will also provide additional education for professions dedicated to working with people or organizations, for example in healthcare, education or social services.

Study plans


  • Objectives

    The academically focused bachelor's degree program in Psychology is designed to enable students to acquire a comprehensive set of knowledge, skills and competences in the field of psychology supplemented by knowledge of related social sciences, covering the basics of the main areas of psychology with an emphasis on the field of work and organization. The Psychology program thus fully corresponds to the school's long-term goals and at the same time meets the current needs of society as a whole, manifested at the national and international level by the long-term growing demand for specialists in the field of psychology. The main goal of the program is for graduates of the program to acquire a basic education in all basic psychological disciplines and acquire basic practical skills in the field of psychology, both of which should be based on current knowledge of psychological science and correspond to the first phase of the European standard of psychological education EuroPsy (http://www.europsy. eu/quality-and-standards/regulations). This main goal of study is developed in three interconnected areas. The goal is for graduates to 1) have knowledge of current psychological theory, 2) understand the methodological aspects through which psychological knowledge is formed and be able to use them in an appropriate form in their own practice, and 3) be able to apply psychological knowledge as a means of enabling a better understanding of psychosocial processes at the level of individuals and groups and achieving positive individual and social change. Students will thus be able to follow two main lines of study: a theoretical-methodological line, aimed at a subsequent master's degree in psychology and related fields and the acquisition of research knowledge and skills, and an applied line, aimed at applicability primarily in the field of work and organizational psychology, management and human resources management resources. Emphasis on current psychological theory will provide graduates with the basis for subsequent master's studies in psychology in the Czech Republic and abroad, thus creating prerequisites for obtaining a complete psychological education and practicing the profession of psychologist. The acquired knowledge and skills will also make it possible to follow up with a master's study in related fields, where after completing the relevant follow-up master's study, the graduate can work, for example, as an assistant in education and in the field of social services. The focus on psychology methodology and psychological research will enable graduates to apply in areas involving working with data and the preparation, implementation and processing of research studies in academic as well as commercial and marketing research. The study of applied psychological disciplines will lead to the development of knowledge and skills that, after graduation, will enable participation in the labor market, primarily in the field of organizational and work psychology, management and human resource management, but also in other areas. Graduates will be prepared for work in organizations at the middle management level, in non-profit organizations or in the state administration. The course will also provide additional education for professions dedicated to working with people or organizations, for example in healthcare, education or social services.

  • Learning Outcomes

    After successfully completing his/her studies the graduate is able to:

    • Knowledge of psychological theory, including current trends.
    • Knowledge of basic and applied psychological disciplines in the context of individuals, groups and society.
    • Knowledge of leading people, their behaviour, motivation and interaction with others.
    • Knowledge of psychological research methodology and working with data.
    • Apply major psychological tools, procedures and methods in specific situations with individuals and groups.
    • Propose solutions and practices to positively change the behavior of individuals or groups.
    • Apply principles of interpersonal interaction and conduct interviews in forms appropriate for the purposes of psychological intervention.
    • Apply the principles of psychological research in selected areas of psychology and implement a research project using relevant methodology.

  • Occupational Profiles of Graduates

    The results of learning, especially the subjects of the profiling foundation and basic theoretical subjects, enable graduates of the Bachelor's programme in Psychology to find employment especially in professions that involve working with people, for example in HR, in human resources management, in public administration, in education, in career counselling, in work organisations, in companies and in other areas that are significantly related to increasing the efficiency of human activity or improving the quality of human life. The graduate is also able to work in the field of social science research, e.g. in marketing research, HR, or advertising agencies. Graduates can also work as assistants to psychologists, teachers or special educators or assistants to other fully university-educated professionals. Completion of the Bachelor's degree program in Psychology qualifies students for psychological work at the assistant level only. However, graduates of this programme may apply for a further Master's degree in psychology at one of the universities and other colleges offering this study and thus complete their psychological education, i.e. obtain a Master's degree in higher psychology qualification which entitles them to practise as a psychologist.

  • Rules and Conditions for the Creation of a Study Plan

    The essence of the study program consists of subjects profiling the basis of the study program (Methodology of psychology, Educational psychology, Basics of clinical psychology and psychopathology, Basics of psychological intervention and Psychology of work and organization) and basic theoretical subjects profiling the basis of the study program (Introduction to the study of psychology, Personality psychology, Developmental psychology) , Cognitive Psychology and Social Psychology). The content of these subjects is reflected in the content of parts of the state final exams. Other compulsory subjects of the study program develop specific requirements for students' knowledge and competences in accordance with the study objectives and the profile of the graduate. Compulsory subjects also include a set of subjects that are oriented towards methodological procedures applied in independent scientific and professional work and the processing of professional texts. In the first year, it is the subject Basics of professional work, which is focused on working with sources, forms of text processing and citation, possibilities of critical processing of literary research related to the solved problem. This subject is followed in the fourth semester by the subject Methodology of professional work, where students learn to formulate research questions in relation to the set goals of the work, the choice of appropriate methodological approaches (procedures) to process research tasks and ways of recording their own solution to a research task. The Bachelor's Seminar and Bachelor's Thesis courses, in which students work under the guidance of their assigned thesis supervisors, are focused on applying an individual approach to students, in the form of consultations on the topic being addressed. The condition for granting credit is regular consultation with the thesis supervisor during the processing of the bachelor's thesis and its continuous preparation. This procedure enables theses supervisors to direct and control at key points the student's progress while working on the final thesis and to monitor the process of its creation from its inception with an emphasis on professional quality and academic integrity. In total, students must obtain 164 credits (91% of all credits) for compulsory (including PZ and ZT) and compulsory optional subjects. The remaining 16 credits (ie 9% of all credits) are reserved for electives. All optional subjects offered to the students of the study program belong to the field of education of the study program, are linked to the profile of the graduate and are in accordance with the objectives of the study program and the expected employability of the graduates. Students choose elective subjects from a range of subjects outside the standard study plan, which are approved by the guarantor of the Psychology study program based on an assessment of their connection to the study program. The guarantor of the study program together with the head of the department and in cooperation with the vice-rector for studies inform the Study Program Council when discussing sample study plans about the approval of optional subjects or their possible changes at the meeting of the Study Program Council before the start of each semester. The conclusions and recommendations of the study program boards are submitted to the Internal Evaluation Board, which also approves the sample study plans and their changes.

  • Access to Further Studies

    The Bachelor's degree in Psychology can be followed up with a Master's degree in similarly designed study programmes.

Basic information

Bachelor's degree programme
Length of studies
3 years
Language of instruction
Czech Czech

number of active students

AMBIS University
Programme guaranteed by
Programme guarantor