Degree programme objectives

The aim of the professionally oriented bachelor's degree in Tourism is to provide students with a professionally oriented university education including important practical knowledge and the necessary range of skills with the necessary interdisciplinary complement, enabling them to pursue careers in economic and managerial positions in tourism enterprises, as well as to perform functions within the state and territorial administration, in non-profit organizations related to the field of tourism, in the Czech Republic, the European Union and third countries. The study programme provides a set of comprehensive knowledge and skills that graduates will use in the role of an employee or in a service relationship, in positions at the level of lower and middle management, specialists and professionals or in the development of their own business activities.

Study plans


  • Objectives

    The aim of the professionally oriented bachelor's degree in Tourism is to provide students with a professionally oriented university education including important practical knowledge and the necessary range of skills with the necessary interdisciplinary complement, enabling them to pursue careers in economic and managerial positions in tourism enterprises, as well as to perform functions within the state and territorial administration, in non-profit organizations related to the field of tourism, in the Czech Republic, the European Union and third countries. The study programme provides a set of comprehensive knowledge and skills that graduates will use in the role of an employee or in a service relationship, in positions at the level of lower and middle management, specialists and professionals or in the development of their own business activities.

  • Learning Outcomes

    After successfully completing his/her studies the graduate is able to:

    • Critically compare the perspectives of standard economic models on key economic categories and mechanisms and evaluate their applications to current economic policy issues, which will be acquired in the Economics course,
    • identify, classify and interpret economic and data, including their explicit and implicit assumptions, using the basic concepts of linear algebra, mathematical-statistical analysis and probabilistic methods, which the graduate will acquire, inter ali
    • perform quantitative and qualitative analysis of economic entities based on knowledge of data in the subjects Mathematical and Statistical Methods, Business Economics, Economics of Tourism, Information Systems in Tourism, Fundamentals of Accounting,
    • apply the principles of modern management approaches, including the principles of sustainable development, which will be acquired by studying Management, Marketing, Marketing in Tourism, Destination Management, Business Economics, Economics of Touris
    • use information technology and software support for organizational, presentation and analytical work, which will be acquired by studying Mathematical and Statistical Methods, Information Systems in Tourism, Fundamentals of Professional Work,
    • communicate fluently in Czech, English and other foreign languages and can communicate in an intercultural environment, based on the study of English, Foreign Language, Fundamentals of Professional Work, Methodology of Professional Work, Intercultura

  • Occupational Profiles of Graduates

    - professional positions in the field of tourism and services in public and territorial administration and non-profit organizations, in international institutions in the Czech Republic and the EU,

    - lower and middle management positions in cultural and recreational centres, leisure centres, sports clubs, accommodation facilities, travel agencies,

    - professional positions within business entities and international companies or institutions operating in the field of tourism and services, marketing, leisure activities within public and territorial administration, as well as in fields close to tourism,

    - As an independent entrepreneur in the field of tourism and services, in the field of guide services, travel agency services, tourism transport services, as well as in consulting and in fields close to leisure activities and tourism.

  • Rules and Conditions for the Creation of a Study Plan

    The total number of credits that a student must obtain as a minimum in the course of his/her studies is 180, and they are evenly distributed in the recommended study plan across all semesters, i.e. 27-34 ECTS credits per semester in semesters 1 to 5 and 25 ECTS credits in semester 6 with regard to students' preparation for the state final examination and finalisation of the final bachelor thesis. Specifications of the credit system are given in the Study and Examination Regulations of the University of Regional Development and Banking Institute - AMBIS, a.s. and in the Rector's Directive No. 5/2019 - Procedure for Expressing Credit Evaluation of the Study Load. The credit system at AMBIS HEI is fully supported by the AMBIS Information System, which allows for quick and easy administration and control of the course of study for students and teachers.

  • Practical Training

    An important part of the professionally oriented Bachelor's degree programme in Tourism is the completion of a professional internship, which allows students to combine professional knowledge with the current needs of professional practice in tourism. At the same time, it will deepen students' communicative skills and provide them with study materials to prepare their bachelor thesis. The compulsory professional practice, lasting 12 weeks in total, is included in the 4th semester of studies. The working day has 8 working hours. Completion of the compulsory professional practice is recorded in the AMBIS information system by the head of the professional practice of the study programme after the following conditions have been met: the professional practice is carried out in a tourism enterprise, state and territorial administration (accommodation establishment, catering establishment, travel agency, travel agency, destination management organisation, ministry, regional authority, etc. The supervisor of the professional practice at the workplace prepares a written evaluation for the student, the student confirms that he/she has been familiar with the evaluation, the student submits the written evaluation of the professional practice.

  • Access to Further Studies

    The Bachelor's degree in Tourism is followed by a Master's degree in the professionally oriented study programme Economics and Business Management or a Master's degree in the professionally oriented study programme Management and Management in Public Administration at AMBIS University, depending on the profile and preferences of the graduates. It is also assumed that there will be continuity with similarly designed follow-up master's degree programmes in economics and public administration at other universities in the Czech Republic and abroad.

Basic information

Bachelor's degree programme
Length of studies
3 years
Language of instruction
Czech Czech

number of active students

AMBIS University
Programme guaranteed by