Degree programme objectives

The Bachelor's degree program in Public Policy is designed to enable students to acquire professional knowledge and understanding of theories, concepts and methods of preparation, decision-making, implementation and evaluation of public policies or the public policy process corresponding to the current state of knowledge. In line with current trends in the development of policy schools, the curriculum of the program is more open to public administration and related fields, while maintaining key subjects in the field of political science (see Anheier, 2019, Knott 2019). Graduates will acquire the practical professional skills needed to pursue professions in areas related to public policy at all horizontal levels of the public sector, from local government to government organizations. Graduates will be familiar with the basic concepts and theories associated with public policy. They will be able to analyze public policy, identify its main objectives, key actors and impacts. The study is in accordance with the requirements imposed by law on academic types of study programs, so it is assumed that graduates will be able to continue their education in master's programs focused on public policy accredited in the Czech Republic and abroad. The program emphasizes quality and current Czech and foreign study literature, as well as

content of lectures and seminars.

Study plans


  • Objectives

    The Bachelor's degree program in Public Policy is designed to enable students to acquire professional knowledge and understanding of theories, concepts and methods of preparation, decision-making, implementation and evaluation of public policies or the public policy process corresponding to the current state of knowledge. In line with current trends in the development of policy schools, the curriculum of the program is more open to public administration and related fields, while maintaining key subjects in the field of political science (see Anheier, 2019, Knott 2019). Graduates will acquire the practical professional skills needed to pursue professions in areas related to public policy at all horizontal levels of the public sector, from local government to government organizations. Graduates will be familiar with the basic concepts and theories associated with public policy. They will be able to analyze public policy, identify its main objectives, key actors and impacts. The study is in accordance with the requirements imposed by law on academic types of study programs, so it is assumed that graduates will be able to continue their education in master's programs focused on public policy accredited in the Czech Republic and abroad. The program emphasizes quality and current Czech and foreign study literature, as well as

    content of lectures and seminars.

  • Learning Outcomes

    After successfully completing his/her studies the graduate is able to:

    • Knowledge of basic concepts and main theories in the field of public policy
    • Knowledge of individual steps of the public policy cycle, including their content and methodological definition
    • Knowledge of the main political science theories, including the historical context of their constitution
    • Knowledge of basic concepts, topics of development and comparison of political systems
    • Knowledge of key economic concepts and categories and contexts
    • Knowledge of key sociological concepts and categories and contexts
    • Knowledge of basic concepts in the field of public administration and models of public administration organization in the Czech Republic and in the world
    • Knowledge of financial and accounting issues in the public sector
    • Basic knowledge of the legislative framework for the functioning of the public sector
    • Knowledge relevant to the preparation for and implementation of managerial functions in the field of public policy and project management in the public sector
    • Basic knowledge of quantitative and qualitative methods for the analysis of public policy problems
    • Knowledge of sectoral and sectoral public policies implemented in the public sector

  • Occupational Profiles of Graduates

    Specifically, according to the Classification of Occupations (CZ ISCO) of the Czech Statistical Office, these are mainly the following professions: 24221 Risk management specialists 24223 Strategy specialists

    24225 Specialists in the field of state property management and organizations

    24227 Specialists in education, culture and health administration

    24228 Specialists in the field of internal affairs of the state and regional development

    24229 Other organization policy specialists

    33431 Assistant Professors in Administration

    33432 Economic administration professionals

    33433 Organization and management professionals

    33434 Specialists in security systems and data protection 33437 Specialists in education, culture and health administration 33439 Other specialists in administration and administration of the organization

    Tax administration staff

    33530 Public administration staff in the field of social and other benefits

    41100 General administrative staff

  • Rules and Conditions for the Creation of a Study Plan

    The study program is designed in accordance with Act No. 137/2016 Coll., Amending Act No. 111/1998 Coll. on Higher Education Institutions and on Amendments to Other Acts (Act on Higher Education Institutions), as amended, and by the methodology of the National Accreditation Office for Higher Education (hereinafter NAÚ) for the creation of study programs. It is a study program without specialization, it is included in the field of political science education. The essence of the study program consists of subjects profiling the basis of the study program (Public Policy Analysis, Public Policy Making Process, Design and Implementation of Public Policies, Public Policy Evaluation) and basic theoretical subjects profiling the basis of the study program (Introduction to Political Science, Introduction to Public Policy, Public Policy , Public Administration as an executor of policies). The content of these subjects is reflected in the content of state final exams. The other 3 compulsory subjects of the study program develop specific requirements for students' knowledge and competencies in accordance with the study goals and the graduate's profile.

    Localization of subjects into specific semesters and years of study of the model study plan, the composition of subjects is based on thematic continuity, which proceeds from general to specific, more specialized subjects, or to subjects expanding the acquired knowledge in previous subjects.

    In total, students must obtain 160 credits (89% of all credits) for compulsory (including PZ and ZT) and compulsory elective courses. The remaining 20 credits (ie 11% of all credits) are reserved for elective courses. From the 2nd semester, students choose one optional subject per semester, which is always evaluated with 4 credits. In total, students choose 5 elective courses for their studies, in the second, third, fourth, fifth and sixth semesters. Students choose optional subjects from other subjects outside their compulsory study plan, taught at AMBIS University, a.s. At the same time, the student can consult with the study advisor, guarantor of the study program or the supervisor of the bachelor's thesis so that the selected subjects fit thematically into his study portfolio and allow him to penetrate deeper into the area in which he practices. is preparing a bachelor thesis. The options for the offer of optional subjects are listed in Table IV. - Credit balance of study program subjects within the Standard 2.6 Rules and conditions for creating study plans Self-assessment reports. The ECTS credit system is used for credit evaluation. The credit system is described in detail in the Self-Assessment Report under Standards 3.1-3.4 Teaching Methods and Assessment of Study Results.

  • Access to Further Studies

    The bachelor's study of the Public Policy program can be followed up in the follow-up master's study of the Management and Economy in Public Administration program, accredited at AMBIS University, a.s. Continuity in similarly conceived follow-up master's degree programs in the Czech Republic and abroad is also assumed.

Basic information

Bachelor's degree programme
Length of studies
3 years
Language of instruction
Czech Czech

number of active students

AMBIS University
Programme guaranteed by