Degree programme objectives

The aim of the Marketing Communication program at the University of Regional Development and the Banking Institute - AMBIS, as, is to equip future graduates with the necessary professional knowledge and skills in marketing, media and communication theory, provide them with a professionally oriented university education interdisciplinary complement.

This program will enable students to start or develop a career in the marketing departments of market entities, in communication and media agencies, in the press departments of companies, or in the media themselves. The program educates students as specialists in internal and external communication, product communication and overall communication in the field of media and advertising. It brings a set of comprehensive professional knowledge and skills, which graduates will use whether in the role of employee, manager, specialist or in the development of their own business.

The graduate will acquire a basic orientation in the areas of communication between companies and institutions, marketing sales support, public relations, marketing research and advertising. An important part is the targeted and continuous support of creative and critical thinking and the introduction of other contexts of media and marketing communication in the full range of socio-economic implications. During the study of this program, students will gain knowledge of the main forms and focus of marketing communications, including the context that relates to them, with emphasis on specific areas of media and communication practice.

The graduate will gain professional skills in creating the concept of marketing and media communication, presentation of their own creative solutions in these areas and effective implementation of marketing and media communication tools and activities in specific market conditions in accordance with the strategic direction of the organization in which they work. as well as in an offline environment. The study program Marketing Communication is designed to provide students with the necessary theoretical basis, while ensuring the highest possible follow-up to current trends in marketing and media and to enable them to acquire the necessary key competencies. During the study, students will learn specific marketing and media techniques, including their possible effects and interactions in a complex socio-economic space.

Study plans


  • Objectives

    The aim of the Marketing Communication program at the University of Regional Development and the Banking Institute - AMBIS, as, is to equip future graduates with the necessary professional knowledge and skills in marketing, media and communication theory, provide them with a professionally oriented university education interdisciplinary complement.

    This program will enable students to start or develop a career in the marketing departments of market entities, in communication and media agencies, in the press departments of companies, or in the media themselves. The program educates students as specialists in internal and external communication, product communication and overall communication in the field of media and advertising. It brings a set of comprehensive professional knowledge and skills, which graduates will use whether in the role of employee, manager, specialist or in the development of their own business.

    The graduate will acquire a basic orientation in the areas of communication between companies and institutions, marketing sales support, public relations, marketing research and advertising. An important part is the targeted and continuous support of creative and critical thinking and the introduction of other contexts of media and marketing communication in the full range of socio-economic implications. During the study of this program, students will gain knowledge of the main forms and focus of marketing communications, including the context that relates to them, with emphasis on specific areas of media and communication practice.

    The graduate will gain professional skills in creating the concept of marketing and media communication, presentation of their own creative solutions in these areas and effective implementation of marketing and media communication tools and activities in specific market conditions in accordance with the strategic direction of the organization in which they work. as well as in an offline environment. The study program Marketing Communication is designed to provide students with the necessary theoretical basis, while ensuring the highest possible follow-up to current trends in marketing and media and to enable them to acquire the necessary key competencies. During the study, students will learn specific marketing and media techniques, including their possible effects and interactions in a complex socio-economic space.

  • Learning Outcomes

    After successfully completing his/her studies the graduate is able to:

    • Knowledge relevant for preparation for effective performance of managerial functions in companies and media
    • Knowledge of individual tools of the marketing mix and their management in fulfilling the company's marketing goals in a broader context knowledge of marketing situation analytics respecting the specific position of marketing communication and its in
    • Knowledge of the basic principles of marketing communication, the various tools of the communication mix and the system of interrelations between them, as well as the issue of integrated marketing communication
    • Knowledge of the basic characteristics of social and mass communication, the functioning and deployment of individual traditional and modern media and media communication as a whole, as well as methods of media analysis
    • Knowledge of basic media theoretical constructs and relations between cultural producers and institutions on the one hand and media audiences and consumers of culture on the other
    • Knowledge of current managerial approaches, activities and processes, including methods and tools

  • Occupational Profiles of Graduates

    The graduate can apply for positions

    - Marketing specialist,

    - Assistant Marketing Manager / Marketing Director,

    - PR manager,

    - Communications Manager

    - Content specialist,

    - Communication specialist,

    - Online communication specialist,

    - Social media manager,

    - Employee of a communication or media agency,

    - An employee of a publishing house or media house.

  • Rules and Conditions for the Creation of a Study Plan

    The study program is designed in accordance with Act No. 137/2016 Coll., Amending Act No. 111/1998 Coll.,on Higher Education Institutions and on Amendments to Other Acts (Act on Higher Education Institutions), as amended, and the methodology of the National Accreditation Office for Higher Education (hereinafter “NAÚ”) for the creation of study programs. It is a study program without specialization, which is included in the field of media and communication studies.

    The essence of the study program consists of subjects profiling the basis of the study program (Marketing Communication, Mass and Media Culture, Media and Media Communication Marketing Management, Print Media, Strategic Marketing Communication) and basic theoretical subjects profiling the basis of the study program (Introduction to Marketing Thinking, Theory of Mass Communication) . The content of these subjects is reflected in the content of the parts of the state final exams. Other compulsory subjects of the study program develop specific requirements for students' knowledge and competencies in accordance with the study goals and the graduate's profile.

    The study plan also includes compulsory elective courses - students have a choice of two world languages-English and German. In the second semester of study, students choose one from a selection of foreign languages. Then they are divided into groups according to performance. Students must not choose a language that is their mother tongue from the choice of foreign languages. In the next two semesters (ie 3rd and 4th semester) the student continues to study the chosen language according to the achieved language level.

    Compulsory subjects also include a set of subjects that are focused on methodological procedures applied in independent scientific and professional work and processing of professional texts in the field of marketing, economics and management.

    In total, students must obtain 160 credits (89% of all credits) for compulsory (including PZ and ZT) and compulsory elective courses. The remaining 20 credits (ie 11% of all credits) are reserved for elective courses. From the 2nd semester, students choose one optional subject per semester, which is always evaluated with 4 credits. In total, students choose 5 elective courses for their studies, in the second, third, fourth, fifth and sixth semesters. Students choose optional subjects from other subjects outside their compulsory study plan, taught at the University of Regional Development and the Banking Institute - AMBIS, a.s. At the same time, the student can consult the study advisor, guarantor of the study program or the supervisor of the bachelor's thesis about the selection of these subjects so that the selected subjects fit into his study portfolio as best as possible and allow him to penetrate deeper into the area in which he practices. is working on his bachelor thesis.

    The ECTS credit system is used for credit evaluation.

  • Practical Training

    The aim of the internship is to acquaint the student with the partner's workplace, with its organizational standards, internal rules, personnel environment and material equipment, subsequent understanding and mastery of teamwork and relationships in the workplace, to verify the theoretical knowledge gained by studying specialized subjects in operational practice. By carrying out internships with contractual partners, closely related to study programs and professional orientations, the desired connection of theoretical foundations with the reality of contemporary operational practice will take place. From the point of view of fulfilling general educational goals and profiling of graduates of study programs, such profiled practice also contributes to increasing the competitive advantage of graduates on the labor market and in case of proximity to the topic of qualification theses .

    During the internship, students perform the usual work activities of the relevant professional orientation, according to the current possibilities and needs of the contractual partner, while they can be financially rewarded for the work done. The level of workload and the amount of financial reward is determined individually on the basis of an agreement between the student and the contractual partner. Students of the combined form of study may replace the completion of the internship with a certificate from the employer issued in the relevant academic year. The employer's confirmation must prove that the student has performed professional activities relevant to the completed study program during his / her working hours.

    Student internships are legally regulated by the Agreement on Student Internships, which is concluded by the school with the relevant contractual partner. The University of Regional Development and the Banking Institute - AMBIS, a. S. Have approved the Rector's Directive No. 8/2021 Professional Practice, which is binding for students.

  • Access to Further Studies

    It is possible to follow up on the bachelor's study program Marketing Communication in the follow-up master's study of similarly conceived study programs of media and communication studies.

Basic information

Bachelor's degree programme
Length of studies
3 years
Language of instruction
Czech Czech

number of active students
number of theses/dissertations

AMBIS University
Programme guaranteed by