Degree programme objectives

The aim of the study of the professionally oriented bachelor's study program Management and Economy in Public Administration is to enable students to acquire important practical knowledge and acquire the necessary range of skills to perform professions in economic, administrative or management positions in public administration, state administration and self-government (including those established by them). organizations or start-ups) or in companies that are in contact with the public administration (for example, as their suppliers). Practical knowledge and skills are based on the acquisition of the necessary range of theoretical knowledge, in context, both in terms of causes and consequences of individual phenomena explained for practice, or for the future employment of graduates. In this context, the objectives of this study program include the training of professionals capable of immediate entry into practice in positions requiring a bachelor's degree in economic positions (managers and executives in financial or budgetary departments, asset management departments, including public procurement, personnel departments, etc.) , in positions in administrative departments where economic or managerial education is required, managerial and reference positions in ministries, local governments or other offices or organizations, etc.) and in senior positions in public administration. A strong emphasis on the practical application of graduates permeates the entire study, both in teaching theoretical subjects, where, in addition to high expertise, emphasis is placed on combining the knowledge presented with practice (there are 3 weeks of compulsory practice in each semester) and especially the practical part of teaching. The lectures are led by experts in the field with considerable erudition both in the theoretical and especially in the practical level of the lectured topic. In the exercises, students have the opportunity to immediately apply the acquired knowledge to practical problems, while the teachers are experts from practice, able to reflect the real needs and challenges that future graduates may encounter in the performance of future employment. The study is in accordance with the requirements imposed by law on professionally oriented types of study programs. It also includes practical internships for students at various workplaces, especially in state administration and self-government. The focus on practice is also strengthened by the fact that compulsory professional practice is part of each semester, which will allow students to verify the acquired knowledge and skills immediately in practice. The internship plan is always approved by the guarantor of the study program together with the experts from the internship, which guarantees its connection both to the goals of the study program and the graduate's profile, as well as to the current needs of the internship. Students will also gain practical experience in the elaboration of the final (bachelor's) thesis, which is understood as a project that permeates the entire study, ie from the first (when the subject Basics of Professional Work is part of) to the last semester.

Study plans


  • Objectives

    The aim of the study of the professionally oriented bachelor's study program Management and Economy in Public Administration is to enable students to acquire important practical knowledge and acquire the necessary range of skills to perform professions in economic, administrative or management positions in public administration, state administration and self-government (including those established by them). organizations or start-ups) or in companies that are in contact with the public administration (for example, as their suppliers). Practical knowledge and skills are based on the acquisition of the necessary range of theoretical knowledge, in context, both in terms of causes and consequences of individual phenomena explained for practice, or for the future employment of graduates. In this context, the objectives of this study program include the training of professionals capable of immediate entry into practice in positions requiring a bachelor's degree in economic positions (managers and executives in financial or budgetary departments, asset management departments, including public procurement, personnel departments, etc.) , in positions in administrative departments where economic or managerial education is required, managerial and reference positions in ministries, local governments or other offices or organizations, etc.) and in senior positions in public administration. A strong emphasis on the practical application of graduates permeates the entire study, both in teaching theoretical subjects, where, in addition to high expertise, emphasis is placed on combining the knowledge presented with practice (there are 3 weeks of compulsory practice in each semester) and especially the practical part of teaching. The lectures are led by experts in the field with considerable erudition both in the theoretical and especially in the practical level of the lectured topic. In the exercises, students have the opportunity to immediately apply the acquired knowledge to practical problems, while the teachers are experts from practice, able to reflect the real needs and challenges that future graduates may encounter in the performance of future employment. The study is in accordance with the requirements imposed by law on professionally oriented types of study programs. It also includes practical internships for students at various workplaces, especially in state administration and self-government. The focus on practice is also strengthened by the fact that compulsory professional practice is part of each semester, which will allow students to verify the acquired knowledge and skills immediately in practice. The internship plan is always approved by the guarantor of the study program together with the experts from the internship, which guarantees its connection both to the goals of the study program and the graduate's profile, as well as to the current needs of the internship. Students will also gain practical experience in the elaboration of the final (bachelor's) thesis, which is understood as a project that permeates the entire study, ie from the first (when the subject Basics of Professional Work is part of) to the last semester.

  • Learning Outcomes

    After successfully completing his/her studies the graduate is able to:

    • Critically compare the views of standard economic models on key economic categories and mechanisms and evaluate their applications to current economic policy issues
    • Identify, classify and interpret economic and data, including their explicit and implicit assumptions using basic concepts of linear algebra, mathematical-statistical analysis and probabilistic methods
    • Perform quantitative and qualitative analysis of economic entities
    • Apply the principles of modern management approaches, including the principles of sustainable development
    • Use information technology and software support for organizational, presentation and analytical work

  • Occupational Profiles of Graduates

    According to the Classification of Occupations (CZ ISCO) of the Czech Statistical Office, these are mainly the following professions:

    24221 Risk management specialists

    24222 Specialists, analysts, methodologists in the field of company policy and public administration

    24223 Strategy specialists

    24224 Business support specialists

    24225 Specialists in the field of state property management and organizations

    24226 Specialists in foreign relations and services

    24227 Specialists in education, culture and health administration

    24228 Specialists in the field of internal affairs of the state and regional development

    24229 Other organization policy specialists

    24320 Public relations specialists

    33431 Assistant Professors in Administration

    33432 Economic administration professionals

    33433 Organization and management professionals

    33434 Security systems and data protection professionals

    33435 Management and quality management system (ISO) professionals

    33436 Professionals of internal affairs of the state and consular services

    33437 Professionals in education, culture and health administration

    33438 Industry and transport administration professionals

    33439 Other professionals in administration and administration of organization

    33520 Public administration staff in the field of taxation

    33530 Public administration staff in the field of social and other benefits

    33540 Public administration staff issuing various permits

    33590 Public administration employees in the field of state regulations not elsewhere classified

    41100 General administrative staff

    44191 Officials of the General Administration of the Interior

    44192 Foreign relations officials

    44193 Education, culture and health administration officials

    44194 Industry and transport administration officials

    44199 Other officials nec

  • Rules and Conditions for the Creation of a Study Plan

    The study program is designed in accordance with Act No. 111/1998 Coll. on Higher Education Institutions and on Amendments to Other Acts (Act on Higher Education Institutions), as amended, and by the methodology of the National Accreditation Office for Higher Education (hereinafter NAÚ) for the creation of study programs. It is a study program without specialization, it is included in the field of education Economics.

    The essence of the study program consists of subjects profiling the basis of the study program (Fundamentals of Law, Mathematical and Statistical Methods, Fundamentals of Accounting, Human Resources Management, Public Administration and European Union, Business and Administrative Law, Marketing, Tax System, Financial, Project and Strategic Management, Regional Development and regional policy) and basic theoretical subjects profiling the basis of the study program (Fundamentals of Economics, Management and Economics in Public Administration). The content of these subjects is reflected in the content of state final exams. Other compulsory subjects of the study program develop specific requirements for students' knowledge and competencies in accordance with the study goals and the graduate's profile.

    In total, students must obtain 160 credits (89% of all credits) for compulsory (including PZ and ZT) and compulsory elective courses. The remaining 20 credits (ie 11% of all credits) are reserved for elective courses. From the 2nd semester, students choose one optional subject per semester, which is always evaluated with 4 credits. In total, students choose 5 elective courses for their studies, in the second, third, fourth, fifth and sixth semesters. Students choose optional subjects from other subjects outside their compulsory study plan, taught at the University of Regional Development and the Banking Institute - AMBIS, a.s. At the same time, the student can consult with the study advisor, guarantor of the study program or the supervisor of the bachelor's thesis about the selection of these subjects so that the selected subjects fit into his study portfolio as best as possible and allow him to penetrate deeper into the area in which he practices. is preparing a bachelor thesis.

    The ECTS credit system is used for credit evaluation

  • Practical Training

    Great emphasis is placed on linking the study program with practice. Therefore, the internship is included as a compulsory subject in each semester (ie from the first to the sixth semester) in the range of three weeks, which will allow students to continuously verify the acquired knowledge and skills immediately in practice. This approach strongly links teaching to the needs of practice. Students have the opportunity to verify the meaningfulness and usefulness of teaching in practice, it is a very effective feedback for both students and teachers. The internship is performed at various employers with regard to the focus and after choosing the topic also on the topic of the bachelor's thesis.

    Compulsory professional practice is an integral part of the prepared bachelor's professional study program Management and Business Administration. Courses called Compulsory Practice I to VI are included in the study plan as compulsory courses, in the first, second, third, fourth, fifth and sixth semesters, each lasting three weeks with a credit score of 4 credits. In total, the student can receive 24 credits for internships, performed in a total of 18 working weeks.

    Compulsory internship plans in cooperation with students are created by the study department of the University of Regional Development and the Banking Institute - AMBIS, a.s. Students have the opportunity to design a workplace where they will practice, or the study department will offer them a list of contractually secured workplaces. The final form of internship plans is subject to the approval of the guarantor of the study program, which takes into account the professional content of the internship and its compliance with study objectives in the study program, graduate profile and after choosing the topic of the bachelor's thesis also. An authorized representative - a mentor - is always provided with the contractual partners, who, in cooperation with the program guarantor, supervises and assists the students in the implementation of professional practice. A written contract is concluded with the workplace where the internship is performed. The output of the internship is a report prepared by the student and a project, prepared according to the assignment of the thesis supervisor. Both the report and the project are prepared on an ongoing basis and reflect the student's experience in the workplace. These outputs also inform the teacher and the guarantor about the course of internships and also provide students and teachers with feedback on the application of knowledge gained during the study, which allows the guarantor to reflect in the study plan the needs of the internship.

  • Access to Further Studies

    The bachelor's study program Management and Management in Public Administration can be followed by the study of the follow-up master's study program Management of Urban Development accredited at the University of Regional Development and Banking Institute - AMBIS, as, and the follow-up master's program Management and Economy in Public Administration, whose administrative procedure on the accreditation application has not been completed by the date of submission of the submitted application for the bachelor's study program. It is also assumed that other similarly conceived follow-up master's degree programs in economics will be designed.

Basic information

Bachelor's degree programme
Length of studies
3 years
Language of instruction
Czech Czech

number of active students
number of theses/dissertations

AMBIS University
Programme guaranteed by