Degree programme objectives

The two-year follow-up master's degree program in Security Management reflects the growing relevance of the security phenomenon in society and the requirement of a combined form of study. It is professionally oriented, focused on deepening the study of theoretical and practical subjects, as well as strengthening the competencies acquired in the bachelor's degree. The study program reflects the effective interconnection of key components related to the perception of current state security threats. Knowledge of the origin and construction of threats, their formation and the way of their effective evaluation, analysis and elimination within the managerial approach is concentrated.

The goals of the study program are based on three pillars: security, management and law. To achieve the above goal, students will deepen their professional knowledge and skills, especially in basic theoretical study subjects and study subjects of the profiling basis.

The aim of the study is to monitor the high competence of graduates for the performance of multidisciplinary tasks of middle and senior management - to analyze and decide on measures in the security situation management, as well as a significant degree of adaptability to changing conditions in a wide institutional set of internal security and public order. The aim is to equip the graduate not only with professional erudition, but also with the ability to lead and work in a team. These dispositions will open up interesting opportunities for them on the labor market in the security system of the Czech Republic or other national and international institutions ensuring security.

The structure of the subjects contained in the study plan enables the acquisition of a comprehensive view on the solution of extraordinary events, crisis situations and the protection of public order in the security system of the Czech Republic.

Study plans


  • Objectives

    The two-year follow-up master's degree program in Security Management reflects the growing relevance of the security phenomenon in society and the requirement of a combined form of study. It is professionally oriented, focused on deepening the study of theoretical and practical subjects, as well as strengthening the competencies acquired in the bachelor's degree. The study program reflects the effective interconnection of key components related to the perception of current state security threats. Knowledge of the origin and construction of threats, their formation and the way of their effective evaluation, analysis and elimination within the managerial approach is concentrated.

    The goals of the study program are based on three pillars: security, management and law. To achieve the above goal, students will deepen their professional knowledge and skills, especially in basic theoretical study subjects and study subjects of the profiling basis.

    The aim of the study is to monitor the high competence of graduates for the performance of multidisciplinary tasks of middle and senior management - to analyze and decide on measures in the security situation management, as well as a significant degree of adaptability to changing conditions in a wide institutional set of internal security and public order. The aim is to equip the graduate not only with professional erudition, but also with the ability to lead and work in a team. These dispositions will open up interesting opportunities for them on the labor market in the security system of the Czech Republic or other national and international institutions ensuring security.

    The structure of the subjects contained in the study plan enables the acquisition of a comprehensive view on the solution of extraordinary events, crisis situations and the protection of public order in the security system of the Czech Republic.

  • Learning Outcomes

    After successfully completing his/her studies the graduate is able to:

    • Have a broad and deep theoretical knowledge of concepts and methods in the field of economics and management in the Czech and international geopolitical environment with reference to the legislative framework of legal entities.
    • Know in detail a set of business activities and their interrelationships, processes and systems, including identification of their benefits, limitations and opportunities for practical application.
    • Understand management approaches and methods of leading people, more complex projects and organizations and understand them in a broader context, know current modern trends in the field of management, the reasons for their emergence and their differe
    • Understand advanced analysis of economic and regional data processing and the use of mathematical and statistical analysis for economic purposes.
    • Know advanced concepts of research methodology and theories of quantitative and qualitative data collection and processing.
    • Effectively apply modern management approaches and techniques to solve practical problems and challenges in the enterprise.
    • Locate, sort and interpret complex economic information relevant to solving specific economic problems.
    • Identify the information needed to assess the impact of individual performance and activities of individual departments on the overall results of the company, use this information for effective management of internal departments.
    • Using expert knowledge, independently evaluate the effectiveness of a project, system or process of a given enterprise and propose innovative improvements.
    • Apply modern management approaches and techniques in solving practical problems in the company.
    • Apply advanced research methods in a selected area of economics and management and implement a research project using relevant methodology.

  • Occupational Profiles of Graduates

    The graduate is generally qualified to apply a wide range of crucial knowledge necessary for a manager working in the field of management, security and public order in the public and private sector. He is able to analyze problems, identify available alternative solutions associated with emergencies and propose appropriate preventive measures to reduce their impact. He is able to formulate and implement plans for the fulfillment of selected variants in compliance with legal, technical and economic standards. The graduate is able to:

    apply and develop knowledge in the field of security management and public order protection; apply decision-making processes in conditions of uncertainty and risk with the aim of adequate allocation of technical, material and personnel resources;

    make effective use of risk analysis and management to ensure environmental safety in the public sector and in private organizations;

    identify hazards and endangered assets and risks, propose measures to minimize and monitor risks during the implementation of activities in the public and private sectors;

    address and defend professional measures in the field of protection of the population and public order; After graduation, the graduate can take up decision-making positions in security management at the level of municipalities, cities and regions, central public administration, specialized professional and consulting organizations, non-profit sector and private organizations operating in the field of security.

    The CZSO Classification of Occupations (CZ ISCO) lists the following professions where the graduate can apply: Security and Crisis Management Specialist;

    Chief Security Officer; Independent security officer; Security systems analyst; Security consultant; Security worker; Executives in the field of state internal affairs and regional development; Executives in the field of business administration, administrative and support activities; Specialist analysts, methodologists in the field of corporate security policy and public administration; Specialists in home affairs and regional development; Executives and specialists in non-state security services; Head of the crisis management organization of the organization.

  • Rules and Conditions for the Creation of a Study Plan

    0 universities and on the amendment of other acts (the Act on Universities), as amended and the methodology of the National Accreditation Office for Higher Education (hereinafter NAÚ) for the creation of study programs. It is a study program without specialization, it is included in the field of security education.

    The essence of the study plan consists of basic theoretical subjects profiling the basis of the study program (Risk Analysis and Control and related basic theoretical subject Internal Security and Public Order II) and subjects profiling the basis of the study program (Selected aspects of administrative law with a focus on security, Information Security, Public Order Protection Technology, Emergency Management, follow-up courses to the bachelor's study program Organization Management II, Crisis Management II and III, Population Protection II, Economic Measures in Emergencies and Crisis Situations and Professional Practice I and H).

    An obligatory part of the study plan of the master's study program Security Management is the internship of students in the range of 6 weeks. The internship is perceived as an important part of the study enabling to obtain the declared learning outcomes. For this reason, like any other subject, the practice is centrally managed and evaluated by designated educators. The study plan also contains compulsory elective courses of type B - group 1. Group 1 contains compulsory elective courses, which expand and deepen both general and professional knowledge and skills by choosing according to the needs and interests of the student in relation to

    1 on the topic of the diploma thesis. The student's obligation is to choose and enroll (in compliance with the required continuity of subjects) compulsory and optional subjects. The student chooses one compulsory elective course in the 2nd and 3rd semester and two compulsory elective courses in the 4th semester from the group of compulsory elective courses (Group 1).

    In total, students must obtain a total of 120 credits (100% of all credits) during the study period (including PZ and ZT) and selected compulsory elective courses. The study program uses the ECTS credit system representing a study load of 25 hours / l credit {Rector's Directive No. 5/2019 - Procedure for expressing the credit assessment of the study load of subjects in hourly intensity). The total amount of credits depends on the demands of the study subject in terms of the required student interactivity, forms of evaluation and completion of the course.

    Students of the combined form of study complete contact teaching each semester in a minimum range of 80 teaching hours / semester at places and times determined by the schedule.

    Within the study, the student can also complete optional subjects, which are considered to be all subjects taught at the school, and obtain additional credits in addition to the mandatory 120 credits (obtained for compulsory and optional subjects). In accordance with the Act on Higher Education Institutions, the student has the right to choose study subjects and create a study plan according to the rules of the study program. A student has the right to enroll in other parts of the study program if he / she has fulfilled the obligations set out in the study program and the Study and Examination Regulations of the University of Regional Development and the Banking Institute -AMBIS, a.s.

  • Practical Training

    The systematic completion of the acquisition of the declared learning outcomes is the completion of professional practice in the range of 6 weeks with the aim of consolidating, expanding and applying to practice the theoretical knowledge and skills acquired through the study. Professional practice is designed to provide students with the opportunity to create a comprehensive view of systemic, organizational, personnel and material security, as well as the protection of public order. To this end, the School has set binding rules and conditions published in the Rector's Directive No. 8/2019 Professional Practice. Professional practice is provided on the basis of concluded Framework Agreements on the implementation of professional practice, through a cross-section through organizations and institutions of the public and private spheres, see the list of partners below. Professional practice is divided into two implementation blocks. The aim of the first 2-week block is to get a basic idea and comparison of theoretical knowledge with practice and to create realistic ideas about possible ways to meet the goals of practice in the second, 4-week block. In the first block, the focus is mainly on organizational, systemic, competence and process activities. In the second block, the goal is extended by organizational-managerial, analytical, technological-technical and financial and personnel activities related to the issue of security and protection of public order. In this part there is also a prerequisite for obtaining data for the final work. This division of practice into two parts will allow to obtain a wider range of knowledge in at least two types of organizations, depending on the topic of the thesis. The student is obliged, in accordance with the study plans, to carry out professional practice in the range of 6 weeks with a distribution into the 2nd and 3rd semester. The student, together with the head of the internship, has the obligation to prepare an internship plan in the form of a "Proposal for professional practice" (school-defined formalized document), which contains the formulation of goals and tasks and practice of the student's key competencies. After completing the internship, the student submits in paper form a report and a possible project prepared according to the assignment of the supervisor of the final qualification thesis.The project is evaluated by the supervisor. In case the student does not choose a place to complete the internship in accordance with the set goals, the School will recommend a place of internship at one of the from its contractual partners.

  • Access to Further Studies

    The follow-up master's study of the Security Management study program follows on from the bachelor's study of the Security Management and Security Management study programs accredited at the University of Regional Development and the Banking Institute - AMBIS, a.s. Follow-up to similarly designed bachelor's degree programs in security fields is also assumed.

Basic information

master's degree programme (following the bachelor's one)
Length of studies
2 years
Language of instruction
Czech Czech

number of active students
number of theses/dissertations

AMBIS University
Programme guaranteed by
Programme guarantor