Name in Czech: Psychologie
bachelor's full-time single-subject, language of instruction: Czech Czech
Included in the programme: AMBIS B-PSY Psychology

Parts of the final state examination and its content

The state examination consists of three parts/rounds and the defence of the final qualification thesis:
1. Theoretical psychology (this part of the state final examination will include selected relevant topics from the courses Introduction to the Study of Psychology, Cognitive Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Psychology of Personality, Social Psychology)
2. Applied Psychology (this part of the state final examination will include selected relevant topics from the courses Educational Psychology, Foundations of Clinical Psychology and Psychopathology, Foundations of Psychological Intervention, Work and Organizational Psychology)
3. Methodology of Psychology (this part of the state final examination will include topics from the course Methodology of Psychology)
4. Defence of the final qualification thesis

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Requirements of the study

Students of the Psychology study programme carry out professional practice in the sixth semester of their studies, in total 3 working weeks, 120 hours.
The internship is completed by obtaining a credit, which will be awarded by the internship supervisor based on the submission of daily records conducted during the internship, an evaluation of cooperation by supervisors/mentors and its reflection by the student and a final written reflection of the experience gained during the internship. The guarantor of the study programme is responsible for the quality and content of the internship, the compliance of the course and content of the internship with the study programme and the profile of the graduate.
The guarantor of the internship is responsible for the course of the internship, who ensures its organizational preparation, methodological instruction, issuing instructions for the implementation of the internship and the creation of the format of the final report and the final debate. The guarantor of the internship cooperating with the Department of Student Internships of AMBIS University is responsible for controlling the implementation of the internship.
Detailed information on the format, implementation and evaluation of the course is provided in Appendix B-III - Course Characteristics.

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Suggestion of theses topics and the topics of defended theses

Psychological consequences of long-term stress in the working population
Social media use and self-image in young adults
The relationship between emotional intelligence and the quality of partner relationships
The impact of meditation on mental health and psychological well-being
Organisational culture and leadership: application of the competing values model
Psychosocial determinants of well-being in older adults
Motivational climate and performance motivation in university students
Family environment and the development of self-esteem and self-worth in children
Personality determinants of decision making in consumer behaviour
Burnout syndrome in health care workers: an application of entitlement and resource theory
Psychological consequences of social exclusion in adolescents
Volunteering and prosocial behaviour from a theory of planned behaviour perspective
The influence of the family environment on the development of talent and giftedness
Psychological aspects of ageing and the process of adaptation to age-related changes
Performance motivation and self-regulation in children with special educational needs
Mindfulness as a means of reducing work stress
Psychosocial learning environment and creativity in the educational process
Relationship between personality factors and healthy lifestyle
The impact of social support on coping strategies and stress resilience
Psychological aspects of gender inequalities in education

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Recommended progress through the study plan


The study plan does not contain any courses.