AMBIS BPRABMK Security & Safety Management
Name in Czech: Bezpečnostní management
Bachelor's combined single-subject, language of instruction: Czech Czech
Included in the programme: AMBIS B-BM Security & Safety Management

Study-related information

  • Parts of the final state examination and its content
    - Defense of bachelor thesis
    - Components of the oral part of the final examination - definition of basic thematic areas (study subjects):
    1. Theory and practice of security activities (this course will include selected relevant topics from the subjects Risk analysis. Risk management and settlement. Internal security and public order. Global security threats. Fundamentals of public law. Criminal law and administrative punishment. Criminalistics. Protection technology critical infrastructure, technical protection of facilities.
    2. Security management (Selected subjects from the subjects Organization management. Human resources management. Crisis management. Protection of the population. Economic measures for crisis situations will be included in this course).
    Information systems and cyber security. Security of municipalities and regions. Security system of the Czech Republic.
  • Suggestion of theses topics and the topics of defended theses
    Examples of BP processed within the existing bachelor's study program Security Management
    in regions:
    Crime associated with drug use in selected regions Risks of floodplains and their impact on state administration Integrated rescue system in individual regions of the Czech Republic Forensic learning about footprints
    Introduction of quality management in the organization of public administration Examples of newly entered topics BP:
    Analysis of the state, structure, dynamics of crime (in a selected region) Crisis management in the municipality during emergencies
    Public administration organizations in the Czech Republic in the field of internal security
    Conceptual development of the system of protection of the population in the Czech Republic in the context of the security strategy of the Czech Republic.
    Flood protection measures in the selected region and their updating
    Current cyber attacks and the possibilities of their punishment
    Practical use of the RIPRAN risk analysis method
    Analysis of the risks of emergencies in a particular region

Recommended progress through the study plan

Compulsory courses

1. semestr

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
AMBIS:PBK_KRICriminalistics V. Táborskýzk 12/4/0 12h přednášek + 4h cvičení za semestr.5 1P
AMBIS:PBK_ZOPIntroduction to Academic Writing I. Zadražilováz 6/0/0 6h přednášek za semestr + e-learning.4 1P
AMBIS:PBK_BESYSecurity System in the Czech Republic O. Krulíkzk 16/0/0 16h přednášek za semestr.5 1P
AMBIS:PBK_ZVPIntroduction to Public Law Z. Koudelkazk 16/0/0 16h přednášek za semestr.5 1P
AMBIS:PBK_ANRIRisk Analysis K. Mäkkázk 16/4/0 16h přednášek + 4h cvičení za semestr.6 1Z
AMBIS:PBK_ZAPSIntroduction to Psychology N. Frkalovázk 12/0/0 12h přednášek za semestr.4 1P
29 credits

2. semestr

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
AMBIS:PBK_BOR -- 0/0- 2P
AMBIS:PBK_RVR -- 0/0- 2Z
AMBIS:PBK_UBS -- 0/0- 2P
AMBIS:PBK_VSEUPublic Administration and the European Union M. Půčekzk 16/0/0 16h přednášek za semestr.5 2P
5 credits

3. semestr

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
AMBIS:PBK_GBHGlobal Security Threats T. Šmídzk 16/0/0 16h přednášek za semestr.5 3P
AMBIS:PBK_KRRICrisis management I. Tušerzk 16/4/0 16h přednášek + 4h cvičení za semestr.6 3P
AMBIS:PBK_MAOROrganization Management J. Vrchotazk 12/4/0 12h přednášek + 4h cvičení za semestr.5 3P
AMBIS:PBK_ZAKRIntroduction to Criminology P. Juříčekzk 12/0/0 12h přednášek za semestr.5 3P
21 credits

4. semestr

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
AMBIS:PBK_MOP -- 0/0- 4P
AMBIS:PBK_RLZ -- 0/0- 4P
0 credits

5. semestr

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
AMBIS:PBK_BASEBThesis Seminar -z 0/4/0 4h cvičení za semestr.4 5P
AMBIS:PBK_HOKSEconomic Measures for Emergencies R. Urbanzk 20/0/0 20h přednášek za semestr.5 5P
AMBIS:PBK_TOKICritical Infrastructure Protection Technologies Z. Koreckizk 20/0/0 20h přednášek za semestr.5 5P
AMBIS:PBK_TPSTCriminal Law and Administrative Punishment B. Coufalovázk 16/0/0 16h přednášek za semestr.5 5P
19 credits

6. semestr

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
AMBIS:PB_OPB -- 0/0- 6P
AMBIS:PBK_BAPRBBachelor thesis -z 0/0/010 6P
AMBIS:PBK_TOO -- 0/0- 6P
10 credits

Povinně volitelné jazyky

3. semestr

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
AMBIS:PBK_AJ1BEnglish I P. Minaříkováz 0/10/0 10h cvičení za semestr.3 3-
AMBIS:PBK_NJ1BGerman I P. Minaříkováz 0/10/0 10h cvičení za semestr.3 3-
AMBIS:PBK_RJ1BRussian I P. Minaříkováz 0/10/0 10h cvičení za semestr.3 3-
9 credits

5. semestr

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
AMBIS:PBK_AJ3BEnglish III P. Minaříkováz 0/10/0 10h cvičení za semestr.3 5-
3 credits

Elective courses

2. semestr

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
AMBIS:PBK_FODI -- 0/0- 2-
AMBIS:PBK_OBCP -- 0/0- 2-
AMBIS:PBK_PIKS -- 0/0- 2-
AMBIS:PBK_PMB -- 0/0- 2-
0 credits

3. semestr

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
AMBIS:PBK_DRTODrugs and drug addiction P. Danišz 12/0/0 12h přednášek za semestr.4 3-
AMBIS:PBK_KPPVSCorruption and anti-corruption policy in Public Administration M. Srbz 12/0/0 12h přednášek za semestr.4 3-
AMBIS:PBK_KYKRCybercrime T. Kolomazníkz 12/0/0 12h přednášek za semestr.4 3-
12 credits

4. semestr

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
AMBIS:PBK_KYKR2 -- 0/0- 4-
AMBIS:PBK_MKJR -- 0/0- 4-
AMBIS:PBK_NZS -- 0/0- 4-
0 credits

5. semestr

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
AMBIS:PBK_BCLDCivil aviation safety P. Šlechtaz 0/0/0 12h přednášek za semestr.4 5-
AMBIS:PBK_MKBInternational space security M. Šmuclerováz 12/0/0 12h přednášek za semestr.4 5-
AMBIS:PBK_HSSOSAGames and social networks and Open source analysis M. Čermákz 0/0/0 12h přednášek za semestr.4 5-
12 credits

6. semestr

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
AMBIS:PBK_AKB -- 0/0- 6-
AMBIS:PBK_EBA -- 0/0- 6-
AMBIS:PBK_FOPS -- 0/0- 6-
AMBIS:PBK_VOK -- 0/0- 6-
0 credits