AMBIS BPRAPRPRP Law in practice
Name in Czech: Právo v praxi
bachelor's full-time single-subject, language of instruction: Czech Czech
Included in the programme: AMBIS B-PRPR Law in practice

Study-related information

  • Parts of the final state examination and its content
    The state examination consists of two parts/rounds and the defence of the final qualification thesis:
    1. Theory of law and public law part (Legal science and system of law, Constitutional law, Administrative law I and II, International and European law)
    2. Private Law Part (Substantive Civil Law, Procedural Civil Law, Commercial Law I and II, Labour Law)
    3. Defence of the final qualification thesis
  • Requirements of the study
    Professional experience of 12 weeks.
  • Suggestion of theses topics and the topics of defended theses
    Personal data and their protection in relation to public administration.
    Legal regulation of public registers.
    International criminal justice.
    The emergence of new states.
    Municipalities and their selected bodies.
    Legislation on conflicts of interest with a focus on municipalities, regions.
    The status of the individual in international law.
    Administrative penalties and their enforcement.
    Local referendum.
    Criminal liability of entrepreneurs.
    Basic principles of administrative punishment.
    Administrative justice as a guarantee of legality.
    Administrative proceedings their initiation, course.
    Remedies in administrative proceedings.
    Right to information in public administration of the Czech Republic.
    Constitutional aspects of membership in the European Union.
    Duty of care of elected bodies in commercial companies.
    Liability of members of statutory bodies of legal persons.
    Dissolution of commercial companies.
    Termination of employment.
    Liability in labour relations.
    Consumer protection in the Czech Republic and abroad.
    Execution in civil proceedings.
    Enforcement of decisions by court.

Recommended progress through the study plan


The study plan does not contain any courses.