E-Transcripts and Electronic Confirmation of Studies
- 1.What types of E-Transcripts are available?The Information system Student During studies E-Transcripts
The E-Transcripts application allows you to issue an electronic confirmation of studies, a transcript of records, syllabi of completed courses and a confirmation of scholarship. In addition, it can be used to issue an electronic diploma and Diploma Supplement (if the school has e-statements enabled).
- 2.What is an electronic confirmation of studies?The electronic confirmation of studies is a full-fledged variant of the confirmation of studies printed on paper, stamped and signed by the responsible person. Authenticity (who issued the certificate) and integrity (that the content of the certificate is not changed) is ensured in the electronic certificate by the electronic seal stored inside the PDF file. The electronic certificate used complies with current EU legislation and therefore the electronic confirmation of studies has at least the same credibility as the paper version.
- 3.How can an electronic confirmation of studies be used?Electronic confirmation of study can be used:
- In the original electronic form, i.e. by sending it to an electronic registry of a public authority, sending it to a Data Box, storing it in an application on the Citizen's Portal, sending it by e-mail, handing it over to a USB disk, etc. The addressee shall verify the authenticity by verifying the electronic certificate.
- In paper form – the confirmation can be printed and physically presented to the addressee. The addressee verifies its authenticity based on the QR code by displaying its electronic original in the AMBIS IS.
- In the form of an authorized conversion – the certificate can be authentically converted into a documentary form at CzechPOINTs, at notaries, attorneys, at municipal, regional and registry offices, at the Chamber of Commerce or at embassies of the Czech Republic. The addressee of the confirmation shall verify the authenticity of the conversion directly from the instrument, based on the clause attached to the instrument.
- 4.Who can issue an electronic confimation of studies?An electronic confirmation of studies is either issued by the student himself / herself using the Electronic Confirmation of Studies application, or it is issued by a study department officer.
- 5.What types of confirmation of studies are issued electronically?The application will automatically evaluate what type of confirmation the student is entitled to. A confirmation of studies, confirmation of interruption of study and confirmation of length of study is available. A confirmation with the same content for the current academic year will be generated for a student no more than once a month. Confirmations for previous academic years can only be issued once. However, the student has all previously issued confirmations available in the application.
- 6.How does a student issue an electronic confirmation of studies?The Information System Student During studies E-Transcripts Confirmation of StudiesIn the Electronic Confirmation of Studies application, the student either clicks on the "Issue confirmation" button or selects the required confirmation from previously created. The student has the option to download the PDF file with the created confirmation from the IS himself/herself or to use a permanent link to the specific confirmation offered by the IS. The link includes a key to ensure that only the person to whom the link was sent by the student gets the confirmation. The link leads to an unauthenticated part of the MU IS, so no login is required.
- 7.When will I issue my confirmation of studies for the next academic year?The confirmation of studies is always issued for the current period from 1 September to 31 August. The exception is for new students, for whom the confirmation is issued from the date of enrolment.
- 8.Who will get my confirmation of studies? Can I delete the confirmation?Only the person to whom the student send the key link will receive confirmation via an unauthenticated link. There is no button to delete a previously created confirmation. It is a feature of the electronic seal that the issuer of the sealed confirmation cannot deny that he has issued the certificate. Therefore, be careful about the link and do not provide it publicly.
- 9.Is there information about the current state of study?A confirmation of studies is issued for a specific period, typically one academic year. If a valid confirmation is displayed using the link, the IS will add to the page whether or not the student is still studying at the moment the confirmation is displayed. If the link shows a confirmation that has already expired (e.g. the confirmation was issued for the last semester), information about the current state of study is not published and it is only stated that the confirmation has expired.
- 10.What options does a student have when printing a Scholarship Confirmation?A student can have a confirmation issued for the entire period of his/her time at AMBIS or select scholarships paid at a specific time interval. It is also possible to select only scholarships awarded by a specific faculty or a faculty-wide department.
- 11.Why issuing E-Transcripts takes time?The E-Transcripts must be provided by a qualified, electronic signature called the electronic seal. It takes time to register the issued certificate, seal it and register the issued seal. It also depends on how many other documents the system must seal in total at any given time. If the system determines that it would take too long to issue a document, it will notify the user by email when the document is generated.
- 12.How can I verify that the PDF has the correct and valid seal?Download the PDF file and open it, for example, in Acrobat Reader. Find the pen symbol and look for who signed the document. Alternatively, look for the "Verify signature", "Signature properties", or "View signature author certificate" buttons. More detailed instructions cannot be provided because the procedure varies according to browser versions and variations. In the case of electronic confirmation of studies, a link to a specific confirmation in the Information System can also be used as a form of validation. For ease of use, the link is part of the QR code planted in the certificate.
- 13.Can an electronic confirmation of studies be refused and a manual signature on paper be required?Regulation (EU) No 910/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council on electronic identification and trust services for electronic transactions in the internal market and repealing Directive 1999/93/EC (eIDAS Regulation) in accordance with which the electronic certificate is sealed, in Article 46 "Legal effects of electronic documents" states: "An electronic document shall not be denied legal effect and admissibility as evidence in legal proceedings solely on the grounds that it is in electronic form."
- 14.Does the e-statement also have to be signed even if it is sealed?
As it is an automated output from the public administration information system, Act No. 365/2000 Coll., o informačních systémech veřejné správy § Section 9(2) allows the use of only a qualified seal instead of a qualified signature. According to the same Act, the part (file service) of the AMBIS Information System is a public administration information system.
The electronic seal may also be used in other cases provided for by Act No. 297/2016 Coll., Section 8.
- 15.Can I apply for an electronic version of my diploma for previously completed studies at AMBIS?No. To issue a deed a hard copy of these documents, please contact your study department.
- 16.The validity of the electronic signature cannot be verified. What to do?
The electronic signature is valid, only the certificate, which is valid for only one year, has expired in the meantime. The fact that the document is valid is also confirmed by the seal, which can be seen on the next line and is lit green - it is issued on the current date.
We recommend that the document be submitted to the addressee with this explanation. It may happen that an institution refuses such a document, which is contrary to the legislation of the Czech Republic and the EU, but it is usually easier to ask the office for studies to issue a document in paper form in such a case.
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